With a pedigree going back over ten years, The Definitive
Handbook of Business Continuity Management can rightly claim to
be a classic guide to business risk management and contingency
planning, with a style that makes it accessible to all business
managers. Some of the original underlying principles remain the
same – but much has changed. This is reflected in this
radically updated third edition, with exciting and helpful new
content from new and innovative contributors and new case studies
bringing the book right up to the minute.
This book combines over 500 years of experience from leading
Business Continuity experts of many countries. It is presented in
an easy-to-follow format, explaining in detail the core BC
activities incorporated in BS 25999, Business Continuity
Guidelines, BS 25777 IT Disaster Recovery and other standards and
in the body of knowledge common to the key business continuity
Contributors from America, Asia Pacific, Europe, China, India
and the Middle East provide a truly global perspective, bringing
their own insights and approaches to the subject, sharing best
practice from the four corners of the world.
We explore and summarize the latest legislation, guidelines and
standards impacting BC planning and management and explain their
The structured format, with many revealing case studies,
examples and checklists, provides a clear roadmap, simplifying and
de-mystifying business continuity processes for those new to its
disciplines and providing a benchmark of current best practice for
those more experienced practitioners.
This book makes a massive contribution to the knowledge base of
BC and risk management. It is essential reading for all business
continuity, risk managers and auditors: none should be without
लेखक के बारे में
ANDREW HILES was founder and Chairman of the first
international user group for business continuity and disaster
recovery planning; founding Director and first Chairman and Fellow
of the Business Continuity Institute; and a founder of the World
Food Safety Organisation.
He is an acclaimed international presenter on crisis, risk and
business continuity management and author of five other books on
these topics – this book and others are required reading
at many universities around the world. As a Director of Kingswell
International, Andrew delivers consultancy, workshops and seminars
across Russia, Europe, the Pacific Rim and Australasia, North and
South America, the Middle East, India, China and Africa and has
presented on radio and television.
In 1997 he was presented with the Western Press Award for
services to business; in 1999 was nominated for lifetime
achievement at the Business Continuity Institute / Corporate
Insurance and Risk Awards in London; and in 2004 he was inducted to
the BC Hall of Fame by CPM magazine in Washington DC.
Andrew recently contributed the BC section to Qatar
Finance – The Ultimate Resource and continues to
serve his blue chip clients internationally.