The Definitive Guide to Plone, Second Edition has been completely updated to cover version 3 of Plone and its newest features. This book provides a complete and detailed overview of Plone. It is divided into three parts, which cover using, configuring, and developing and customizing Plone. After the coverage of Plone’s features, the case studies in the final part of the book reveal the true power of Plone. These case studies demonstrate Plone’s ability to handle all kinds of req...
Using Plone.- Introducing Plone.- Installing Plone.- Managing Content with Plone.- Administering a Plone Site.- Configuring Plone.- Behind the Scenes.- Customizing Plone’s ...
लेखक के बारे में
Andy Mc Kay is a principal of Enfold Systems and an active contributor to a variety of Python-based open source projects. He is also a core developer of the Plone c...