Angela Ales Bello is Professor Emeritus of History of Contemporary Philosophy at Lateran University in Rome and past Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. She is the President of the Italian Center of Phenomenological Researches (Rome) affiliated to the World Phenomenological Institute, Hanover, U.S.A. and Director of the Research Area dedicated to “Edith Stein and Contemporary Philosophy” at the Lateran University. Her research is directed towards the German Phenomenology in relationship to other contemporary philosophical currents according to a historical and theoretical approach.
7 द्वारा ईबुक Angela Ales Bello
Angela Ales Bello: The Divine in Husserl and Other Explorations
In the first part of The Divine in Husserl and Other Explorations a description is provided of Husserl’s method in order to explain how he deals with the question of God from a philosophical perspect …
Angela Ales Bello: The Sense of Things
This book proposes a new interpretative key for reading and overcoming the binary of idealism and realism. It takes as its central issue for exploration the way in which human consciousness unfolds, …
Harald Seubert & Marcus Knaup: Grundbegriffe und -phänomene Edith Steins
Die Beiträge machen das systematische und ideengeschichtliche Profil in Steins Denken transparent und zeigen die immer wieder überraschende Aktualität ihres phänomenologischen Ansatzes, der bis in Gr …
Andreas Speer: ‘Alles Wesentliche lässt sich nicht schreiben’
Edith Stein (1891-1942) hat ein beeindruckendes Werk hinterlassen. Aus Anlass der Vollendung der Edith Stein-Gesamtausgabe (ESGA), stellt der international besetze Band das Leben und die Bedeutung de …
Angela Ales Bello: O sentido das coisas
Neste livro, Ales Bello demonstra como realizar uma investigação no estilo de Husserl. Trata-se de uma pesquisa fenomenológica em círculos concêntricos, onde cada tese ou tema representa um territóri …
Angela Ales Bello: O sentido do sagrado
Esta obra é uma interpelação a um passeio fenomenológico ao mundo religioso, compreendido na ultrapassagem institucional, dogmática e moral mediante a história e a antropologia das religiões, em que …
Angela Ales Bello: O sentido do humano
Discussão sobre os temas relativos à psicologia da religião e à psicopatologia fenomenológica constitui o centro de interesse deste livro. Nesta obra, o sentido da experiência religiosa para o ser hu …