On both sides of the Atlantic, restrictive immigration policies have been framed as security imperatives since the 1990s. This trend accelerated in the aftermath of 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks in Europe. In Frontiers of Fear, Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia raises two central questions with profound consequences for national security and immigration policy: First, does the securitization of immigration issues actually contribute to the enhancement of internal security? Second, does the use of counterterrorist measures address such immigration issues as the increasing number of illegal immigrants, the resilience of ethnic tensions, and the emergence of homegrown radicalization?
Chebel d’Appollonia questions the main assumptions that inform political agendas in the United States and throughout Europe, analyzing implementation and evaluating the effectiveness of policies in terms of their stated objectives. She argues that the new security-based immigration regime has proven ineffective in achieving its prescribed goals and even aggravated the problems it was supposed to solve: A security/insecurity cycle has been created that results in less security and less democracy. The excesses of securitization have harmed both immigration and counterterrorist policies and seriously damaged the delicate balance between security and respect for civil liberties.
Introduction: The Immigration-Security Nexus Part I. The Framing of Immigration as a Security Issue
1. Newcomers, Old Threats, and Current Concerns
2. Securitization before 9/11
3. Securitization after 9/11 Part II. The Dynamics of Policy Failure
4. Border Escalation as a Policy Failure
5. The Security/Insecurity Spiral
6. Radicalization in the West Part III. Why Do Failed Policies Persist?
7. Emigration, Development, and (In)security
8. Immigration, Economic Interests, and Politics Conclusion: Threats to Western DemocracyList of Abbreviations
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Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia is Associate Professor in the School of Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers-Newark: The State University of New Jersey and Senior Researcher affiliated with the Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF), Sciences Po (Paris). She is the author of several books in French, most recently Les Frontières du Racisme, and coeditor of Managing Ethnic Diversity after 9/11 and Immigration, Integration and Security.