This historical play on Chandragupta, who ushered a new Golden Period in the history of India in the modern era (after a sequence of glorious eras including those of Rama in the Treta-Yuga (cosmic era) and Krishna (Dwapar-Yuga), millennia ago, who are now venerated as Avatars (Incarnations of God) by virtue of their exemplary characters and deeds.) It draws from information contained in history books, a play in Hindi by the famed poet and playwright, Jaya Shankar Prasad, the recent television series called Chanakya, and other available sources; and is written in a fashion to facilitate stage-production by youngsters and adults, particularly those of Indian descent in the USA, Europe, and other parts of the world.
लेखक के बारे में
Ashok Sinha holds a Ph.D. degree in Physics, and is also interested in literature and spirituality. He has written 20 books in English and in Hindi, including in physics, satellite and Mobile Telecommunications theory, poetry, fiction, plays, religion, and translations of certain classics. He worked at NASA and INTELSAT (International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, Washington, D.C., USA), contributing in Elementary Particle Physics Theory (including mathematical modeling of the so-called ‘GOD’s Particles’), Cosmology, Space Physics research, and satellite telecommunications technology. Currently he lives in Santa Clara, California (USA) with his wife. [ [email protected] ]