Dark Hearts is a collection of gripping short stories based on actual court cases that will get you thinking, gaping, puzzled and wondering about the realities of the dark side of life. This compilation provides rare insights into the criminal mind. With close to four decades of legal practice and consequently observing cases spanning murder, rape, armed robbery and other dastardly acts, Layi Babatunde weaves his understanding of the depth of human nature and the crimes it is ca...
Dark Hearts is a collection of gripping short stories based on actual court cases that will get you thinking, gaping, puzzled and wondering about the realities of the dark side of life. This compilation provides rare insights into the criminal mind. With close to four decades of legal practice and consequently observing cases spanning murder, rape, armed robbery and other dastardly acts, Layi Babatunde weaves his understanding of the depth of human nature and the crimes it is capable of concocting into the fictionalized, real life based stories in this book.
Layi Babatunde, SAN, has practiced law actively for over thirty six years, twenty of which include law publishing. He is the founder and principal counsel of Layi Babatunde & Co, a firm of legal practitioners and tax consultants since November, 1984. He is the Editor-in-Chief, Judgments of the Supreme Court of Nigeria and has published other titles such as The Lawyer’s Companion, Hints on Land Documentation and Litigation in Nigeria, Criminal Law and Procedure through Cases, Principles of Clinical Ethics and Their Legal Dimensions in Nigeria and What Sayeth the Supreme Court series among others. He has been severally honored for his contribution to the development of legal literature in Nigeria.