BARRY ROSENFELD, PHD, ABPP, is a Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training at??Fordham??University. He has more than 100 publications on a wide range of clinical-forensic topics. In addition, he has authored or coauthored several articles and book chapters on research methodology in forensic psychology. He serves on the editorial board of several prominent journals.
STEVEN D. PENROD, JD, PHD, is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. A researcher with twenty-five years of nearly continuous research support from the National Science Foundation, he has written over 120 publications on the psychology of legal decision making, focused especially on juries and eyewitness evidence.
2 द्वारा ईबुक Barry Rosenfeld
Barry Rosenfeld & Steven D. Penrod: Research Methods in Forensic Psychology
The only professional resource to focus exclusively on research methods in forensic psychology With specific advice on topics of particular importance to forensic specialists, Research Methods in For …
Barry Rosenfeld & Steven D. Penrod: Research Methods in Forensic Psychology
The only professional resource to focus exclusively on research methods in forensic psychology With specific advice on topics of particular importance to forensic specialists, Research Methods in For …