Women and children have been bartered, pawned, bought, and sold within and beyond Africa for longer than records have existed. This important collection examines the ways trafficking in women and children has changed from the aftermath of the “end of slavery” in Africa from the late nineteenth century to the present.
The formal abolition of the slave trade and slavery did not end the demand for servile women and children. Contemporary forms of human trafficking are deeply interwoven with their historical precursors, and scholars and activists need to be informed about the long history of trafficking in order to better assess and confront its contemporary forms. This book brings together the perspectives of leading scholars, activists, and other experts, creating a conversation that is essential for understanding the complexity of human trafficking in Africa.
Human trafficking is rapidly emerging as a core human rights issue for the twenty-first century. Trafficking in Slavery’s Wake is excellent reading for the researching, combating, and prosecuting of trafficking in women and children.
Contributors: Margaret Akullo, Jean Allain, Kevin Bales, Liza Stuart Buchbinder, Bernard K. Freamon, Susan Kreston, Benjamin N. Lawrance, Elisabeth Mc Mahon, Carina Ray, Richard L. Roberts, Marie Rodet, Jody Sarich, and Jelmer Vos.
- Introduction. Contextualizing Trafficking in Women and Children in Africa
Benjamin N. Lawrance and Richard L. Roberts - Part I:Trafficking in Colonial Africa
- 1. Trafficking and Reenslavement
The Social Vulnerability of Women and Children in Nineteenth-Century East Africa
Elisabeth Mc Mahon - 2. “Without the Slave Trade, No Recruitment”
From Slave Trading to “Migrant Recruitment” in the Lower Congo, 1830–90
Jelmer Vos - 3. The End of Slavery, “Crises” over Trafficking, and the Colonial State in the French Soudan
Richard L. Roberts - 4. “Under the Guise of Guardianship and Marriage”
Mobilizing Juvenile and Female Labor in the Aftermath of Slavery in Kayes, French Soudan, 1900–1939
Marie Rodet - 5. Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, and the Law in Colonial British West Africa, 1911–43
Carina Ray - 6. Islamic Law and Trafficking in Women and Children in the Indian Ocean World
Bernard K. Freamon - Part II: Contemporary Antitrafficking in Africa and Beyond
- 7. Trafficking and Human Exploitation in International Law, with Special Reference to Women and Children in Africa
Jean Allain - 8. Documenting Child Slavery with Personal Testimony
The Origins of Antitrafficking NGOs and Contemporary Neo-abolitionism
Benjamin N. Lawrance - 9. Child-Trafficking Policymaking between Africa and Europe
Margaret Akullo - 10. The Story of Elsie
A Case Study of Trafficking in Contemporary South Africa
Susan Kreston - 11. Ranking States
Tracking the State Effect in West African Antitrafficking Campaigns
Liza Stuart Buchbinder - Afterword. The Paradox of Women, Children, and Slavery
Kevin Bales and Jody Sarich - Selected Bibliography
- Notes on Contributors
- Index
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Richard L. Roberts directs the Center for African Studies at Stanford University. His books include Trafficking in Slavery’s Wake: The Experience of Women and Children in Africa, edited with Benjamin N. Lawrance.