Chapter 1. Bernike Pasveer, Oddgeir Synnes and Ingunn Moser: Doing home with care in ageing societies.- Part I: Moving Imaginaries.- Chapter 2. Oddgeir Synnes and Arthur...
Chapter 1. Bernike Pasveer, Oddgeir Synnes and Ingunn Moser: Doing home with care in ageing societies.- Part I: Moving Imaginaries.- Chapter 2. Oddgeir Synnes and Arthur Frank: Home as a cultural imaginary at the end of life.- Chapter 3. Loretta Baldassar, Raelene Wilding and Shane Worrell: Eldery migrants, digital kinning and digital home making across time and distance.- Chapter 4. Ingebjørg Haugen: Homesickness for people with dementia.- Chapter 5. Frode Jacobsen: Imaginaries of home making and home care in public policies.- Chapter 6. Daryl Martin, Sarah Nettleton and Christine Buse: Biographies, bricks and belonging: architectural images of home making in later life.- Part II: Negotiating Institutions.- Chapter 7. Ken Worpole: A home at the end of life: changing definitions of ‘homeliness’ in the hospice movement and end of life care in the UK.- Chapter 8. Daniel López Gómez, Mariona Estrada Canal and Lluvi Farré Montalà: Havens and Heavens of ageing-in-community: exploring home, gender and age in senior cohousing.- Chapter 9. Natashe Lemos Dekker and Jeannette Pols: Aspirations of home making in the nursing home.- Chapter 10. Bernike Pasveer: Almost at home: modes of tinkering in hospice.- Part III: Shifting Arrangements.- Chapter 11. Ger Wackers: Making a place for dying at home: liminality, territoriality and care at the end of life.- Chapter 12. Ester Serra Mingot: Ageing across borders: the role of Sudanese elderly parents in the process of kin and home making within transnational families.- Chapter 13. Ike Kamphof and Ruud Hendriks: Beyond façade. Home making and truthfulness in dementia care.- Chapter 14. Christine Ceci, Ingunn Moser and Jeannette Pols: The shifting arrangements we call home.