What are the differences between Lutherans and Calvinists, and do they really matter? In Wittenberg vs. Geneva, Brian Thomas provides a biblical defense of the key doctrines that have divided the Lutheran and Reformed traditions for nearly five centuries.
It is especially written to help those who may have an interest in the Lutheran church, but are concerned that her stance on doctrines like predestination or the sacraments may not have biblical support. To get to the heart of the matter, Pastor Thomas focuses solely upon those crucial scriptural texts that have led Lutheran and Reformed scholars down different paths to disparate conclusions as he spars with popular Calvinist theologians from the past and the present.
Acknowledgments, vii
Foreword by Rod Rosenbladt, ix
Introduction, xi
1. Atonement: For Whom Did Christ Die?, 1
2. Predestination: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, 17
3. The Sacramental Word: An Introduction to Sacramental Thought, 41
4. Baptism Saves: The Washing of Water with the Word, 59
5. The Lord’s Supper-Part I: The Personal Union of the Two Natures in Christ, 91
6. The Lord’s Supper-Part II: Christ’s Promise, Presence, and Pardon, 111
7. Kept in the True Faith: Apostasy and Assurance, 133
Post Script, 159
Appendix: The Saxon Visitation Articles of 1592 (A Contemporary Translation with Biblical Citations), 161
Bibliography, 167
Scripture Index, 175