This book gathers international and national reports from across the globe on key questions in the field of antitrust and intellectual property.
The first part discusses the application of competition law to online sales platforms, which is increasingly a focus for anti-trust authorities around the world. A detailed international report explores which are the major challenges for competition law generated by the growth of online platforms. It provides an excellent comparative study of this complex and challenging subject.
The second part of the book gathers contributions from various jurisdictions on the topic “To what extent do current exclusions and limitations to copyright strike a fair balance between the rights of owners and fair use by private individuals and others ?’ This section presents an international report, which offers an unparalleled comparative analysis of this topic, bringing together common themes and contrasting thevarious national provisions dealing with exceptions to copyright, amongst other things.
The book also includes the resolutions passed by the General Assembly of the International League of Competition Law (LIDC) following a debate on each of these topics, which include proposed solutions and recommendations. The LIDC is a long-standing international association that focuses on the interface between competition law and intellectual property law, including unfair competition issues.
Part I – Anti-trust Analysis of Online Sales Platforms: 1 International Report
by João Marcelo de Lima Assafim.- 2 Australia
by Barbora Jedličková and Julie Clarke.- 3 Austria
Astrid Ablasser-Neuhuber and Gerhard Fussenegger.- 4 Belgium
by Steffie De Cock.- 5 Brazil
by P
edro Paulo Salles Cristofaro and Luisa Shinzato de Pinho.- 6 France
by Linda Arcelin, Nizar Lajnef, Annabelle Lebaudy, Lauren Mechri, Florence Ninane, Michaël Vaz d’Almeida and Pascal Wilhelm.- 7 Germany
by Thomas Hoeren.- 8 Hungary
by Álmos Papp and András Horváth.- 9 Italy
by Francesca La Rocca.- 10 Sweden
by Robert Mold
n, Henrik Nilsson and Dagne Sabockis.- 11 Switzerland
by Annemarie Streuli.- 12 United Kingdom
by Vineet Budhiraja.-
Part II – Copyright Limitations and Exceptions: 13 International Report
by Benoit Michaux.- 14 Austria
Valerie Eder.- 15 Belgium
by Manon Knockaert.- 16 Brazil
by Felipe Barros Oquendo.- 17 Czech Republic
by Radka Mac Gregor Pelikánová.- 18 France
by Martina Isola and Guillaume Couet.- 19 Germany
by Thomas Hoeren.- 20 Hungary
by Zsófia Lendvai.- 21 Italy
by Marco Francetti.- 22 Poland
Maria Obara-Piszewska and Filina Sztandera.- 23 Romania
by Paul-George Buta.- 24 Switzerland
by Sevan Antreasyan.- 25 United Kingdom
by Eleonora Rosati.