Before Heaven: Hints Tips Stories, 2023, by Bryan Foster, is Book 9 in the 10 book, ‘God Today’ Series. It considers key beliefs, questionable beliefs, some spectacular beliefs, challenges, and photographic images given by God to the author. Key themes include Physical Evidence of God: Tears from God; Unique Photographic images of the sun, sun arrows, sun flares, clouds, and rainbows; 1 God Only Forever for All People; 1 Religion Only Forever; Humans, Plants, Animals, along with God’s created inert objects, can probably go to Heaven – still a mystery from God for us to understand; Hell: for God Aware, but Informed Rejectors of God; Jesus and Mahomad are Incarnations of God.
UNIQUE and spectacular Themes are also explored in detail here; including, Beauty, God, and Us – our gifts and responsibilities from God; God’s invitation for the author to be a prophet; Incarnations of half the population on Earth, with the other half of the population being assisted by these incarnated people. (Is this at all possible from an Absolutely Loving God who wants all people to go Home to Heaven with Him? Yes!!!)
Unique Images from God, Foreword, Preface
Highlighted Book 9 Themes Introduced
Only One God + One Religion forever. Now in the transition era
God Asked Author to be His Prophet
Physical Evidence of God:
God Given UNIQUE Sun Signs, Sun Arrows, Sun Flares, Giant Easter sun cross
’Tears from God’
Challenges At and After Death
Humans, Plants, Animals + maybe inert creations – Probably go to Heaven
Medical Issues + Disclaimer
God – Primary Bibliographical Source for Series
Jesus and Mahomad – Are Both God Incarnate
Hell = Absolute Evil and Total Isolation Forever! Who Goes There?
SO MASSIVE. SO CHALLENGING. SO GOD. This Is It!? Half the population’s Incarnations with God?
‘God Today’ Series 10 Books’ Overviews
Contents – Detailed
Author’s Top 22 Revelations and Inspired Messages – for Today
Beauty, God, and Us
God. Angels. Feathers
Author’s Publications 2007-2023
Author’s Websites (Live plus Drafts)
लेखक के बारे में
Karen Foster has recently retired after 40 years teaching in Catholic primary/elementary schools. Karen was a boarder in Brisbane while studying in secondary school. She comes from a farming family/community near Murwillumbah. She graduated from Mc Auley Teachers’ College in Brisbane, in 1978, a year after I graduated. Karen and Bryan Foster married each other in 1978.