लेखक: Carol Wise

Carol Wise es Profesora asociada de relaciones internacionales en la Universidad del Sur de California. Ella es autora de un libro de próxima aparición titulado Dragonomics: How Latin America is Maximizing (or Missing Out) on China's International Development Strategy [Dragonomics: cómo América Latina viene maximizando (o desperdiciando) la estrategia para el Desarrollo Internacional de China] (Yale University Press, 2020) Leslie Elliott Armijo es Profesora asociada de estudios internacionales en la Universidad Simon Fraser en Vancouver, Canada, y coautora (junto con C. Roberts y S. N. Katada) del libro The BRICS and Collective Financial Statecraft [Los paises del grupo BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) y el arte de gobernar las finanzas colectivas] (Oxford University Press, 2018) Saori N. Katada es Profesora de relaciones internacionales en la Universidad del Sur de California. Su libro más reciente es Taming Japan's Inflation: The Debate over Unconventional Monetary Policy [Domesticando la inflación en Japón: el debate sobre las políticas monetarias no convencionales] (Cornell University Press, 2018), escrito conjuntamente con G. Park, G. Chiozza y Y. Kojo.

8 द्वारा ईबुक Carol Wise

Riordan Roett & Carol Wise: Exchange Rate Politics in Latin America
Most of the analysis of Latin American exchange rate problems and policies has concentrated on the economic side of things. This volume instead examines the politics of exchange rate management in fo …
Leslie Elliott Armijo & Saori N. Katada: Unexpected Outcomes
This volume documents and explains the remarkable resilience of emerging market nations in East Asia and Latin America when faced with the global financial crisis in 2008-2009. Their quick bounceback …
Isabel Studer & Carol Wise: Requiem or Revival?
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was launched amid great hopes and controversy in 1994. More than a dozen years later, progress toward economic integration has stalled. Mexico’s econom …
Margaret Myers & Carol Wise: Political Economy of China-Latin America Relations in the New Millennium
In this book, China-Latin America relations experts Margaret Myers and Carol Wise examine the political and economic forces that have underpinned Chinese engagement in the region, as well as the ways …
Margaret Myers & Carol Wise: Political Economy of China-Latin America Relations in the New Millennium
In this book, China-Latin America relations experts Margaret Myers and Carol Wise examine the political and economic forces that have underpinned Chinese engagement in the region, as well as the ways …
Riordan Roett & Carol Wise: Post-Stabilization Politics in Latin America
Over the last twenty years Latin America has seen a definitive movement toward civilian rule. Significant trade, fiscal, and monetary reforms have accompanied this shift, exposing previously state-le …
Saori N. Katada & Leslie Elliott Armijo: Resultados inesperados: cómo las economías emergentes sobrevivieron la crisis financiera global
La excepcional capacidad de adaptación de las economías emergentes en Asia Oriental y América Latina frente a la crisis financiera global de 2008-09 tomó por sorpresa a la mayoría de los gestores de …
Carol Wise: Dragonomics: integración política y económica entre China y América Latina
La presente publicación explora el impacto del crecimiento de China sobre América Latina desde inicios de la década de 2000. Cerca de 20 años atrás, empresarios chinos se dirigieron al Hemisferio Occ …