लेखक: Catherine Gerard

Louis Kriesberg is Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Maxwell Professor Emeritus of Social Conflict Studies, and founding director of the Program on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts (PARC), all at Syracuse University. His most recent books are: the 5th edition of Constructive Conflicts, co-authored with Bruce W. Dayton, published in 2017, Perspectives on Waging Conflicts Constructively: Concepts, Cases and Practice, Co-edited with Bruce Dayton. 2017;. Louis Kriesberg: Pioneer in Peace and Constructive Conflict Resolution Studies. Springer, 2016; Realizing Peace: A Constructive Conflict Approach, published by Oxford University Press, in 2015; and Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Moving from Violence to Sustainable Peace (co-ed. with Bruce Dayton, 2009). Among earlier books are: International Conflict Resolution (1992), Timing the De-Escalation of International Conflicts (co-ed., 1991; and Intractable Conflicts and Their Transformation (co-ed., 1989).

5 द्वारा ईबुक Catherine Gerard

Catherine Gérard: Sur la courbe de nos rondeurs terrestres
Une fuite hors du temps et de l’espace pour se libérer… Partie sur les traces d’un amour perdu, la narratrice descend le fleuve Mékong un an après avoir fait le voyage à deux, comme pour exorciser …
Miriam F. Elman & Catherine Gerard: Overcoming Intractable Conflicts
Despite considerable progress in research and practice in the constructive transformation of intractable conflicts beginning in the 1970s, many terribly destructive conflicts have recently erupted. N …
Catherine Gerard & Louis Kriesberg: Conflict and Collaboration
In this volume, scholars from different disciplines join together to examine the overlapping domains of conflict and collaboration studies.It examines the relationships between ideas and practices in …
Rachel Fleishman & Catherine Gerard: Pushing the Boundaries
The research papers in this volume were initially presented at a conference, entitled ‘Cutting Edge Theories and Recent Developments in Conflict Resolution’, which celebrated the 20th anniversary of …
Catherine Gerard & Louis Kriesberg: Conflict and Collaboration
In this volume, scholars from different disciplines join together to examine the overlapping domains of conflict and collaboration studies.It examines the relationships between ideas and practices in …