Educational partnerships for postsecondary readiness – your resource guide is here!
High school graduates want to be prepared to succeed in life after high school; for most that includes completing some form of postsecondary education. This thoroughly researched guide to building and sustaining effective, cross-system partnerships between high schools, colleges, and regional and local communities will help educators support students’ college and career readiness. College and career readiness experts, Mc Gaughy and Venezia lead education stakeholders through a step-by-step process that improves postsecondary outcomes for all students.
This book stresses the need to build effective working relationships and offers practical, actionable, information and straightforward strategies to help you:
- Identify needs
- Leverage existing relationships, programs and resources
- Build and sustain regional and local partnerships
- Implement a plan to measure key outcomes and provide comprehensive supports to ensure postsecondary readiness
- Connect policies and practices across partnerships to benefit student learning
- Communicate and work across partnerships to support successful student transitions
Includes key research findings, real-world examples and reflections, and templates to guide your work to support improved student learning.
‘As high schools strive to partner with post-secondary institutions to improve their students’ college readiness, they will find the how-to answers here.’
Dave Daniels, Principal
Susquehanna Valley Senior High School
‘I found the material interesting, engaging, and important. This book provides a solid rationale for partnership, provides a blueprint that is detailed enough to be helpful and loose enough to make clear that there is no one way approach but rather than their partnership must reflect their context.’
Natalie B. Schonfeld, Director
Student Transition Services, University of California, Irvine
1: Understanding College and Career Readiness
2: Creating a Framework
3: Organizing the Partnership
4: Determining Your Partnership′s Effectiveness: Measuring Progress
5: Taking Action
6: Aligning Curricula Across Educational Systems
7: Supporting and Sustaining Partnerships
लेखक के बारे में
Andrea Venezia is Executive Director of Ed Insights and Associate Professor in the Public Policy and Administration Department at California State University, Sacramento. Ed Insights′ mission is to help improve students′ readiness for, and success in, some form of postsecondary education. Before she joined Sacramento State, Venezia worked at West Ed and oversaw a line of work focused on such issues as high school reform, state and federal policy with regard to college and career readiness, and community college readiness and success. Prior to joining West Ed, Venezia was Senior Policy Analyst at the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. Before that, she directed Stanford University′s Bridge Project, the first large-scale national study that documented state policy barriers inhibiting student progression from high school to college. Prior to those positions, Venezia worked in a variety of state, federal, and nonprofit organizations, including the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin, the U.S. Department of Education, the National Education Goals Panel, and the American Institutes for Research. She has authored, co-authored, and co-edited numerous reports, chapters, articles, and books, including Supporting the Dream (forthcoming) by Corwin Press, Minding the Gap: Why Integrating High School with College Makes Sense and How to Do It (2007) published by Harvard Education Press, and From High School to College (2004) published by Jossey-Bass. She received a BA in English from Pomona College, an MA in administration and policy analysis in higher education from Stanford University, and a Ph D in public policy from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.