Go inside the elite investment firm with
Capital .
The Capital Group is one of the world?s largest investment management organizations, but little is known about it because the company has shunned any type of publicity. This compelling book, for the first time, takes you inside one of the most elite and private investment firms out there?the Capital Group Companies?a value investment firm par excellence. It digs deeps to reveal the corporate culture and long-term investment strategies that have made Capital the one organization where most investment professionals would like to work and would most recommend as long-term investment managers for their family and friends.
Foreword xi
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 The Founding 9
Chapter 2 Staying Alive 25
Chapter 3 The Multiple-Counselor System 35
Chapter 4 Organizing the Core 49
Chapter 5 Mutual Fund Distribution 61
Chapter 6 Crossing the Rubicon: Capital Group 91
Chapter 7 Shareholder Services 101
Chapter 8 Acquisitions and Start-Ups 123
Chapter 9 Capital Guardian Trust Company 139
Chapter 10 Global Investing 165
Chapter 11 Emerging Markets 185
Chapter 12 Managing People 201
Chapter 13 Management 223
Chapter 14 Compensation 249
Chapter 15 Investing 265
Afterword 291
Appendix I Summary Statement of Corporate Objectives and Goals 301
Appendix II Outline of Basic Managerial Beliefs 307
Appendix III Growth of the Capital Group Companies, Inc 309
Index 311
लेखक के बारे में
CHARLES D. ELLIS is a recognized expert on investment management. For thirty years, he was managing partner of Greenwich Associates, the leading worldwide strategy consultant to the investment industry, where he developed close working relationships with senior executives at most of the major investment firms in the United States, Canada, England, Japan, Germany, and Australia. His other activities have included teaching the investment management course at both the Yale School of Management and Harvard Business School; and chairing the CFA Institute. He currently serves as a Director of Vanguard; advising some of the world’s largest Investing institutions; and chairing the investment committees at the Whitehead Institute and Yale University. Among his ten prior books is Winning the Loser’s Game. He is one of only ten individuals honored for lifetime contributions to the investment management profession.