Widely regarded as the standard reference in the field, this handbook offers a comprehensive analysis of developmental, clinical, and social aspects of mental health from birth to the preschool years. Leading authorities explore models of development; biological, family, and sociocultural risk and protective factors; and frequently encountered disorders and disabilities. Evidence-based approaches to assessment and treatment are presented, with an emphasis on ways to support strong parent–child relationships. The volume reviews the well-documented benefits of early intervention and prevention and describes applications in mental health, primary care, childcare, and child welfare settings. The chapter on psychopharmacology has been updated for the paperback edition.
I. Development and Context1. The Scope of Infant Mental Health, Charles H. Zeanah, Jr., and Paula Doyle Zeanah2. The Psychology and Psychopathology of Pregnancy: Reorganization and Transformation, Arietta Slade, Lisa J. Cohen, Lois S. Sadler, and Maia Miller3. Neurobiology of Fetal and Infant Development: Implications for Infant Mental Health, Margaret Sheridan and Charles A. Nelson4. Neurobiology of Stress in Infancy, Anne Rifkin-Graboi, Jessica L. Borelli, and Michelle Bosquet Enlow5. Infant Social and Emotional Development: Emerging Competence in a Relational Context, Katherine L. Rosenblum, Carolyn J. Dayton, and Maria Muzik6. The Sociocultural Context of Infant Mental Health: Toward Contextually Congruent Interventions, Chandra Michiko Ghosh Ippen7. Applying Research Findings on Early Experience to Infant Mental Health, Thomas G. O’Connor and David B. Parfitt II. Risk and Protective Factors8. Poverty and Infant and Toddler Development: Facing the Complex Challenges, Jane Knitzer and Deborah F. Perry9. Infants of Depressed Mothers: Vulnerabilities, Risk Factors, and Protective Factors for the Later Development of Psychopathology, Sherryl H. Goodman and Sarah R. Brand10. Parental Substance Abuse, Neil W. Boris11. Prematurity, Risk Factors, and Protective Factors, Carole Müller Nix and François Ansermet12. The Effects of Violent Experiences on Infants and Young Children, Daniel S. Schechter and Erica Willheim13. The Relational Context of Adolescent Motherhood, Sydney L. Hans and Matthew J. Thullen III. Assessment14. Parent Reports and Infant–Toddler Mental Health Assessment, Alice S. Carter, Leandra Godoy, Susan E. Marakovitz, and Margaret J. Briggs-Gowan15. Clinical Use of Observational Procedures in Early Childhood Relationship Assessment, Devi Miron, Marva L. Lewis, and Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.16. Infant–Parent Relationship Assessment: Parents’ Insightfulness Regarding Their Young Children’s Internal Worlds, David Oppenheim and Nina Koren-Karie IV. Psychopathology17. Classification of Psychopathology in Early Childhood, Helen Link Egger and Adrian Angold18. Autism Spectrum Disorders, Themba Carr and Catherine Lord19. Communication Disorders, Jennifer Windsor, Joe Reichle, and Megan C. Mahowald20. Intellectual Disabilities, Robert M. Hodapp, Tricia A. Thornton-Wells, and Elisabeth M. Dykens21. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Michael S. Scheeringa22. Sleep Disorders, Judith Owens and Melissa M. Burnham23. Feeding Disorders, Failure to Thrive, and Obesity, Diane Benoit24. Characterizing Early Childhood Disruptive Behavior:Enhancing Developmental Sensitivity, Lauren S. Wakschlag and Barbara Danis25. Depression, Joan L. Luby26. Attachment Disorders, Charles H. Zeanah, Jr., and Anna T. Smyke V. Intervention27. Child–Parent Psychotherapy: A Developmental Approach to Mental Health Treatment in Infancy and Early Childhood, Alicia F. Lieberman and Patricia Van Horn 28. The Circle of Security, Bert Powell, Glen Cooper, Kent Hoffman, and Robert S. Marvin29. Principles of Family Therapy in Infancy, Nicolas Favez, France Frascarolo, Miri Keren, and Elisabeth Fivaz-Depeursinge30. The Mothers and Toddlers Program: An Attachment-Based Intervention for Mothers in Substance Abuse Treatment, Nancy Suchman, Cindy De Coste, and Linda Mayes31. Foster Care in Early Childhood, Anna T. Smyke and Angela S. Breidenstine32. Psychopharmacology in Early Childhood: Does It Have a Role?, Mary Margaret Gleason VI. Applications of Infant Mental Health33. Training in Infant Mental Health, Sarah Hinshaw-Fuselier, Paula Doyle Zeanah, and Julie Larrieu34. Infant Mental Health in Primary Health Care, Paula Doyle Zeanah and Mary Margaret Gleason35. Mental Health Consultation: A Transactional Approach in Child Care, Kadija Johnston and Charles Brinamen 36. The Economics of Infant Mental Health, Geoffrey A. Nagle
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Charles H. Zeanah, Jr., MD, is the Mary K. Sellars-Polchow Chair in Psychiatry, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, and Vice Chair for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Tulane University School of Medicine. He is also Director of the Institute for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health at Tulane. Dr. Zeanah has a longstanding interest in infant mental health, especially abuse and neglect in young children, attachment and its disorders, psychopathology, and infant–parent relationships. Throughout his career, his clinical and research focus has been on early experiences and their effects. He is the recipient of honors including the Ruane Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, the Norbert and Charlotte Rieger Award for Oustanding Scientific Achievement from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), the Agnes Purcell Mc Gavin Award for Prevention from the American Psychiatric Association (APA), and the Blanche F. Ittelson Award for Research in Child Psychiatry from the APA. Dr. Zeanah is a Distinguished Life Fellow of AACAP and the APA and a Board Member of Zero to Three.