This story is a continuation of Allure of a Predator. Billy Hughes, now a business lawyer in his late twenties, is a handsome free spirit with his eye on the prize. As he is working to break into entertainment law, legal problems involving his mother unexpectedly fall in his lap. Leaping into action by digging into her past, he takes it as his mission to find the truth, which leads him to wild nights, random shootings, kidnappings, and stories of embezzlement. Deep secrets surface, revealing the ugly side of his mothers naked truth.
लेखक के बारे में
Charles Richardson currently resides in Gahanna, Ohio. The author of Allure of a Predator, he is the former vice president and general manager at Radio One, Columbus. He is currently a media and marketing consultant and a licensed (in escrow) real estate agent. He earned a master of science degree from Baruch College, City University of New York. He is committed to community service and served on many boards, including the King Arts Complex and the Columbus Urban League. To learn more about Charles, visit
Amira Kidd currently resides in Columbus, Ohio. The author of Paths of Temptation: The Subconscious Tales and The Monkey King: A Journey to a State of Presence, she makes stories that delve into the psyche, exploring how individual interpretations of the world affect the way we choose to live our lives. Amira is currently working on her fourth book.