This book introduces researchers and practitioners to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and its applications in the built environment. It begins with a fundamental introduction to CPS technology and associated concepts.It then presents numerous examples of applications from managing construction projects to smart transportation systems and smart cities. It concludes with a discussion of future directions for CPS deployment in the construction, operation and maintenance of constructed facilities. Featuring internationally recognized experts as contributors, Cyber-Physical Systems in the Built Environment, is an ideal resource for engineers, construction managers, architects, facilities managers, and planners working on a range of building and civil infrastructure projects.
Fundamentals of Cyber Physical Systems.- Technology Requirements for CPS.- CPS Use in Other Industries.- CPS-Based Approach to improve management of Heavy Construction Projects.- Progress Monitoring using CPS.- Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems (Hi LCPS) for Safer Construction Sites.- Cyber-physical systems for temporary structure monitoring.- Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in Intelligent Crane Operations.- Smart Construction Objects.- A Computational Framework for Improved Building Energy Estimation using Occupant Behavior Sensing and Agent Simulation.- Model Checking a Temporary Structures Monitoring System: A Case Study.- Structural-infrastructure Health Monitoring.- Smart Transportation Systems.- Industry Case Studies.- Cyber-Social Physical Systems.- CPS in Future Homes.- Role of CPS in Smart Cities.- Conclusions and Future Directions for CPS in the Built Environment.
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Prof. Chinemelu J. Anumba is a Professor and Dean of the College of Design, Construction and Planning University of Florida, Gainesville FL.
Prof. Nazila Roofigari-Esfahan is an assistant professor in the Department of Building Construction, Myers-Lawson School of Construction at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.