‘Chris Adams writes of a period that gripped many but was understood by only a few. He did understand and lived it, and has reflected it accurately in spell binding fashion. Readers are confronted by a realistic example of Intelligence exploitation which might well have occurred. Read Requiem of a Spy for fun, but learn about risks that lurk out there!’
Lt. General Lincoln D. Faurer, USAF (Ret)
Former Director, National Security Agency
THE FBI ARREST 12 RUSSIAN SPIES…Newspaper headlines, radio and television networks announced the startling news. A dozen or more undocumented Russian agents were caught operating undercover within the United States. This event might well have occurred back during the last Millennia, and did, but this is 2022; the Cold War has been over for almost thirty years, or has it? Were we surprised? After all, the President of the United States had within the previous week of the arrests, hosted the President of Russia to an Official State Visit. As this book enters the final publication phase, the author could not have created a more perfect, although factually unsettling, introduction to the exciting and factual story which you are about to begin. The most powerful and aggressive intelligence and secret police organizations in the world have for centuries belonged to Russia, and during the Cold War, the Soviet Union. The long and sordid history of Russian secret police operations and tactics dates back to the 17th Century and Ivan the Terrible. The Soviets, known for their paranoia and mackorova (masquerade), frequently renamed these agencies in attempts to foil foreign interests. The name changes were largely cosmetic and their foul work never changed. Soviet leaders throughout the Cold War found it expedient to pit the KGB and the GRU against one another for maximum benefit of desired objectives. Although the story herein is one of fiction, perhaps it is more appropriately one of ‘faction’–a fictional story derived from factual history, and as we now know persists today. Herein, the author delved into many of the factual truths about these two Cold War secret spy organizations, their sordid and brutal deeds, their recruiting, training and surveillance tactics, agent operations and exploitation of Western technologies. Finally, the President of Russia to be, arrives on the scene in early 1993, following a career as an officer in the KGB; special agent and recruiter within the University of Petersburg. Thereafter, to become executive assistant to the Mayor of Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchock, and onward, Vladimir Putin, climbed rapidly upward the chain to become President of Russia.
Now, you may delve into the intrigue of the story….Enjoy!