लेखक के बारे में
Associate Professor Dalia A. Magdi is Vice Dean of School of Computer Sciences, Canadian International College. She acted as Dean of Faculty of Management and Information Systems, and she was Head of Information System Department, Faculty of Management and Information Systems, Vice-Director of CRI (Centre de Recherche Informatique), X Coordinator of Univrsite de Paris-Sud, French University in Egypt and X Coordinator of University of New Brunswick Program at Sadat Academy for Management Sciences. She is Chair and Editor of ITAF2019. She is Member of the Editorial Board of many international journals and reviewer of many international journals. She published many books internationally such as A Proposed Enhanced Model for Adaptive Multi-agent Negotiation Applied On E-commerce, Dalia A. Magdi, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, a trademark of: Omni Scriptum Gmb H & Co. KG Bahnhofstraße 28, D-66111 Saarbrücken, ISBN (978-3- 659-96009-3). She was invited asa keynote speaker and participated in many national and international conferences.
Dr. Yahya Mostafa Helmy is Professor of Information Systems, Faculty of Business, Helwan University. He is Supervisor of the Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Commerce, Helwan University, Academic Supervisor for the Graduate Program in Business Information Systems, Former Dean of the Faculty of Computers and Information, Helwan University, Former coordinator of the Business Information Systems Program at the Faculty of Commerce, Helwan University. He is also Member of the permanent scientific committee for the promotion of professors and assistant professors, and management information systems for computers and information. Also, he is Member of the Commercial Studies Sector Committee at the Supreme Council of Universities and Member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian International College.
Dr. Mohammed Mamdouh Eissa is Assistant Professor of Software Engineering at Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Ahram Canadian University, Egypt, and earned a Ph.D. in Information Systems at Mansoura University, Egypt. He has more than 14 years of teaching experience in different educational institutes. His research interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, bioinformatics and Internet of things (Io T). He has published extensively as author and co-author of many papers in highly regarded, peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. He is Researcher in Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary CRI at French University in Egypt, an environment for experimental research in the above-mentioned areas, and is involved in several open-source software projects. He is an active member in International Rough Set Society IRSS. He was Co-Chair of Internet of things application and future international conference 2019.
Amit Joshi is currently Director of Global Knowledge Research Foundation and also Entrepreneur Researcher who has completed his masters and research in the areas of cloud computing and cryptography in medical imaging. He has an experience of around 10 years in academic and industry in prestigious organizations. He is an active member of ACM, IEEE, CSI, AMIE, IACSIT, Singapore, IDES, ACEEE, NPA and many other professional societies. Currently, He is International Chair of Inter YIT at International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP, Austria). He has presented and published more than 50 papers in national and international journals/conferences of IEEE and ACM. He has also edited more than 40 books which are published by Springer, ACM and other reputed publishers. He has also organized more than 50 national and international conferences and programs in association with ACM, Springer and IEEE to name a few across different countries including India, UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Thailand, Egypt and many more.