The bestselling beginner’s guide to Microsoft Word
Written by the author of the first-ever For Dummies book, Dan Gookin, this new edition of Word For Dummies quickly and painlessly gets you up to speed on mastering the world’s number-one word processing software. In a friendly, human, and often irreverent manner, it focuses on the needs of the beginning Word user, offering clear and simple guidance on everything you need to know about Microsoft Word 2016, minus the chin-scratching tech jargon.
Whether you’ve used older versions of this popular program or have never processed a single word, this hands-on guide will get you going with the latest installment of Microsoft Word. In no time, you’ll begin editing, formatting, proofing, and dressing up your Word documents like a pro. Plus, you’ll get easy-to-follow guidance on mastering more advanced skills, like formatting multiple page elements, developing styles, building distinctive templates, and adding creative flair to your documents with images and tables.
* Covers the new and improved features found in the latest version of the software, Word 2016
* Shows you how to master a word processor’s seven basic tasks
* Explains why you can’t always trust the spell checker
* Offers little-known keyboard shortcuts
If you’re new to Word and want to spend more time on your actual work than figuring out how to make it work for you, this new edition of Word 2016 For Dummies has you covered.
Introduction 1
About This Book 1
How to Use This Book 2
Foolish Assumptions 3
What’s Not Here 3
Icons Used in This Book 4
Where to Go from Here 4
Part I: Your Introduction to Word 5
Chapter 1: Hello, Word! 7
Chapter 2: The Typing Chapter 19
Part II: Your Basic Word 27
Chapter 3: To and Fro in a Document 29
Chapter 4: Text Editing 37
Chapter 5: Search for This, Replace It with That 45
Chapter 6: Blocks o’ Text 55
Chapter 7: Spell It Write 67
Chapter 8: Documents New, Saved, Opened, and Closed 77
Chapter 9: Publish Your Document 89
Part III: Fun with Formatting 101
Chapter 10: Character Formatting 103
Chapter 11: Paragraph Formatting 115
Chapter 12: Tab Formatting 127
Chapter 13: Page Formatting 143
Chapter 14: More Page Formatting 157
Chapter 15: Style Formatting 171
Chapter 16: Template and Themes Formatting 183
Chapter 17: Sundry Formatting 191
Part IV: Spruce Up a Dull Document 201
Chapter 18: Borders and Lines 203
Chapter 19: Able Tables 211
Chapter 20: Columns of Text 225
Chapter 21: Lots of Lists 233
Chapter 22: Here Come the Graphics 241
Chapter 23: Insert Tab Insanity 255
Part V: The Rest of Word 265
Chapter 24: Multiple Documents, Windows, and File Formats 267
Chapter 25: Word for Writers 275
Chapter 26: Let’s Work This Out 287
Chapter 27: Mail Merge Mania 297
Chapter 28: Labels and Envelopes 313
Chapter 29: A More Custom Word 321
Part VI: The Part of Tens 329
Chapter 30: The Ten Commandments of Word 331
Chapter 31: Ten Cool Tricks 335
Chapter 32: Ten Bizarre Things 343
Chapter 33: Ten Automatic Features Worthy of Deactivation 349
Index 355
लेखक के बारे में
Dan Gookin wrote the first-ever For Dummies book, DOS For Dummies. The author of several bestsellers, including all previous editions of Word For Dummies, Dan has written books that have been translated into 32 languages with more than 11 million copies in print.