The aspiration for writing this inspiring book is to tell my experience in my journey for chasing love. In my expedition, I found that I encountered many others that were like me experiencing the same things. I constantly found myself looking for love in all the wrong things, people and places. What I learned is that I did not truly love myself. My goal is to tell my testimony of what I went through. Prayerfully with my discovering of chasing after love, others become aware and avoid the pain I endured. Without first loving God, yourself, then your neighbor the chase and find for true love will always be unreachable.
लेखक के बारे में
Daniel Jones has a Bachelor of Science from Liberty University, major was religion. He was ordain deacon under COGIC, licensed minister under COGIC, has served over 20 years in different capacities. He was married for 25 years, and proud father of 2 children. He has over 25 years with federal government, 20 years within the Army.