Insider Information at Your Fingertips
Determining the worth of intellectual property (IP) is acomplicated task. An IP litigator needs to conclude the monetarydamage occurring as a result of harm done to an inventor’s or acompany’s reputation as well as the economic damage caused bycompromise of an idea or invention due to its unauthorizedusage.
Edited by litigation expert Daniel Slottje, Economic Damagesin Intellectual Property: A Hands-On Guide to Litigation shedslight on how to quantify damages in IP litigation matters withrevealing contributions from IP professionals, attorneys, economicsprofessors, certified public accountants and other damagesprofessionals.
This essential resource is thoroughly researched with timelyinsight on quantification of damages; evaluation of damage claimsin trade secrets; patent, copyright, and trademark cases; economicdamages; and much more.
With IP litigation becoming more and more prevalent today, thedemand increases for IP professionals and attorneys to understandhow economists, accountants, and financial analysts quantifydamages in IP matters. Economic Damages in Intellectual Property: A Hands-On Guide to Litigation demystifies thisprocess and provides you with an ‘at-your-fingertips’ resourcebrimming with current, relevant information in the field ofintellectual property litigation.
About the Authors.
Chapter 1. U.S. Case Law and Economic Damages in Patent Litigation (C. Perry, et al.).
Chapter 2. Trends in U.S. Patent Activity (F. Chan & M.Mc Aleer).
Chapter 3. Trademark Infringement and the Legal Bases for the Recovery of Economic Damages (M. Ackerman & D.Orzechowski).
Chapter 4. Explaining Venue Choice and Litigant Preferences:Solving the Delaware ‘Mystery’ (D. Parsons, et al.).
Chapter 5. Commonly Debated Issues in Performing Economic Damages Analyses in Intellectual Property Matters (C. Perry, etal.).
Chapter 6. Loss of Profits as a Measurement of Damages in Patent Infringement Matters (V. Thomas, et al.).
Chapter 7. The Law of Demand and Lost Profits Analysis (R.Basmann, et al.).
Chapter 8. A Holistic Approach to Patent Damages Analysis (R.Sullivan).
Chapter 9. Commercial Success: Economic Principles Applied to Patent Litigation (J. David & M. Stewart).
Chapter 10. Reasonable Royalty as a Measure of damages in Patent Infringement Matters (V. Thomas, et al.).
Chapter 11. The ‘Analytical Approach’ as a Technique to Determine a Reasonable Royalty (L. Gunderson, et al.).
Chapter 12. A Quasi-Comparable Approach to reasonable Royalty Determination (J. Dubin).
Chapter 13. Using Statistics in Patent cases: A Case Study (E.Maasoumi & M. Mercurio).
Chapter 14. Using Statistics in Copyright Cases (D. Millimet, etal.).
Chapter 15. Quantification of Damages in trademark Cases (B.Inglish)
Chapter 16. Economic Damage Quantification in Trademark Matters(J. Dubin).
Chapter 17. Evaluation of Damages Claims in a Trade Secrets Case(R. Sickles & A. Ayyar).
Chapter 18. A Primer on Trademarks and Trademark Valuation (M.Corbett, et al.).
लेखक के बारे में
DANIEL SLOTTJE is a Senior Managing Director in FTIConsulting Inc.’s Forensic and Litigation Consulting practice, andprovides consulting services to clients in various industries. Hehas significant experience in litigation consulting in intellectualproperty matters, including patent infringement issues, copyrightsand trademarks, as well as trade secrets. In addition to advisingcounsel, he has provided testimony in these and other matters. Dr.Slottje is a Professor of Economics at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and is a former partner in an internationalconsulting firm. He has published more than 120 articles andwritten several books on economic issues. Dr. Slottje was rankedone of the top three applied econometricians in the world (out of5, 000 people), based on number of published articles in topeconometrics journals in 1999. He has been quoted in nationalnewspapers and has appeared on Fox, CBS, and NBC affiliates.