Author David Burns grew up in Pendleton, Oregon, home of the famous Pendleton Round-Up. From an early age, David loved the Blue and Wallowa Mountains of Eastern Oregon and gained a passion for hunting and fishing from his father, Bruce. David graduated from the University of Oregon in business and has been a professional cabinet maker for many years. He has fought hard over the years to support wilderness areas in Northeastern Oregon. With strong support from the tribes of Eastern Oregon, this area received the official National Wilderness Status in 1984.
This ensured that generations to come can hike into this gorgeous canyon and enjoy the abundant wildlife and take a chance on hooking into a huge bull or rainbow trout without the threat of logging, roads, or commercialization.
The mighty Columbia River, which divides Oregon and Washington, has nine dams providing electricity to the entire Northwest. Native American tribes, commercial fishermen, sportfishermen, Fish and Game departments, the Corps of Engineers, power companies, and big agriculture continue to battle for their share of the water in the Columbia.
David hopes this book will bring attention to the fact that some of our streams and rivers need to be protected so they remain the way they were created thousands of years ago.
19 द्वारा ईबुक David Burns
David Burns: The Last Run
The Last Run by David Burns Coursing through the rugged mountains of Eastern Oregon is Lookingglass Creek, named after Chief Lookinglass, a little known warrior of the Nez Perce tribe. Although this …
Gebhard Bockle & David Burns: Arithmetic Geometry over Global Function Fields
This volume collects the texts of five courses given in the Arithmetic Geometry Research Programme 2009-2010 at the CRM Barcelona. All of them deal with characteristic p global fields; the common the …
David Burns: Life and Death of the Radical Historical Jesus
In this cultural and intellectual history, David Burns contends that the influence of biblical criticism in America was more widespread than has been thought. Burns proves this point by uncovering th …
David Burns: Stark’s Conjectures
Stark’s conjectures on the behavior of $L$-functions were formulated in the 1970s. Since then, these conjectures and their generalizations have been actively investigated. This has led to significant …
David P. Burns & Terry L. Rentner: Case Studies in Sport Communication
Case Studies in Sport Communication: You Make the Call goes beyond the box scores by offering readers the opportunity to evaluate popular and diverse issues in sport-including management, crisis, hea …
David P. Burns & Terry L. Rentner: Case Studies in Sport Communication
Case Studies in Sport Communication: You Make the Call goes beyond the box scores by offering readers the opportunity to evaluate popular and diverse issues in sport-including management, crisis, hea …
John P. Blair & David Burns: Active Shooter Events and Response
The Columbine tragedy on April 20, 1999 began a new era in law enforcement as it became apparent that the police response to such mass shootings must be drastically altered. By the time the Sandy Hoo …
Burns David: Selenium 1.0 Testing Tools Beginner’s Guide
In Detail Selenium is a suite of tools to automate web application testing across many platforms. A strong understanding of using Selenium will get you developing tests to ensure the quality of your …
David Burns: Feeling Good Together
We all have people in our lives that we just can’t seem to get along with. Whether it’s our spouse, co-worker or neighbour, something about the relationship just rubs us up the wrong way, and though …
David Burns: When Panic Attacks
‘I just know this plane is going to run into turbulence and crash!”My mind will go blank when I give my presentation at work and everyone will think I’m an idiot.”Why am I so shy and insecure? I’m …
John P. Blair & David Burns: Active Shooter Events and Response
The Columbine tragedy on April 20, 1999 began a new era in law enforcement as it became apparent that the police response to such mass shootings must be drastically altered. By the time the Sandy Hoo …
David Burns: On Refined Conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Type for Hasse-Weil-Artin $L$-Series
View the abstract. …