David E. Rowe is professor of the history of mathematics and natural sciences at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, and a former member of the Einstein Papers Project.
Robert Schulmann, a former Boston University history professor, is former head of the Einstein Papers Project. He coedited
Albert Einstein, Mileva Marić: The Love Letters and many volumes of the
Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (all Princeton).
12 द्वारा ईबुक David E. Rowe
Albert Einstein: Einstein on Politics
The most famous scientist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein was also one of the century’s most outspoken political activists. Deeply engaged with the events of his tumultuous times, from the …
David E. Rowe & Tilman Sauer: Beyond Einstein
This volume explores the interplay between mathematical and physical research and the interactions of twentieth-century scientists within their academic communities. Beginning with Einstein’s general …
David E. Rowe & Wann-Sheng Horng: A Delicate Balance: Global Perspectives on Innovation and Tradition in the History of Mathematics
Joseph W. Dauben, a leading authority on the history of mathematics in Europe, China, and North America, has played a pivotal role in promoting international scholarship over the last forty years. Th …
David E. Rowe: A Richer Picture of Mathematics
Historian David E. Rowe captures the rich tapestry of mathematical creativity in this collection of essays from the “Years Ago” column of The Mathematical Intelligencer. With topics ranging from anci …
David E. Rowe: Otto Blumenthal: Ausgewählte Briefe und Schriften I
Dieser Band bietet einen Einblick in das frühe Leben und Wirken Otto Blumenthals. Zusammen mit einer ausführlichen Biographie, die sich auf die Jahre 1897-1918 konzentriert, vermittelt eine Vielzahl …
David E. Rowe & Volkmar Felsch: Otto Blumenthal: Ausgewählte Briefe und Schriften II
Otto Blumenthals Karriere war geprägt von Glück und Tragik. Als erster Doktorand wie auch Biograph David Hilberts stand er dem berühmten Göttinger Milieu sehr nah. Er wirkte fast drei Jahrzehnte an d …
John McCleary & David E. Rowe: Institutions and Applications
The History of Modern Mathematics, Volume II: Institutions and Applications focuses on the history and progress of methodologies, techniques, principles, and approaches involved in modern mathematics …
John McCleary & David E. Rowe: Ideas and Their Reception
The History of Modern Mathematics, Volume I: Ideas and their Reception documents the proceedings of the Symposium on the History of Modern Mathematics held at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York …
Dirk van Dalen & David E. Rowe: L. E. J. Brouwer: Intuitionismus
Der mathematische Intuitionismus war die Schöpfung des niederländischen Mathematikers L. E. J. Brouwer, der damit am Anfang des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts eine konstruktive Neubegründung der Mathematik …
David E. Rowe & Mechthild Koreuber: Proving It Her Way
The name Emmy Noether is one of the most celebrated in the history of mathematics. A brilliant algebraist and iconic figure for women in modern science, Noether exerted a strong influence on the youn …
David E. Rowe: Emmy Noether – Mathematician Extraordinaire
Although she was famous as the ‘mother of modern algebra, ‘ Emmy Noether’s life and work have never been the subject of an authoritative scientific biography. Emmy Noether – Mathematician Extra …
David E. Rowe & Klaus Volkert: Jenseits von Flachland
Als im Jahre 1884 Edwin A. Abbotts bekannte Satire Flatland erschien, konnte er das Interesse für solche räumliche Vorstellungen wecken, die die Grenzen der herkömmlichen euklidischen Geometrie weit …