Jesus had about three years to mould a dozen fearful and faithless men into the pillars of a worldwide movement.
As we study how Jesus made disciples we can expect to grow as disciples, and we can expect to hear a new call in our lives to follow Christ with a whole heart. Then we can expect to be sent out into the world to make disciples of all nations – including into our workplace and neighbourhood.
Getting the Most Out of The Twelve Disciples
1 Andrew Bringing Others to Jesus
2 Simon Peter Defending (and Rebuking) the Savior
3 Matthew Drawing in the Outcast
4 James Hating Our Enemies
5 Philip Learning to Trust
6 John Seeking to Be the Greatest
7 Thomas Leaving Doubt Behind
8 Nathanael Developing Spiritual Insight
9 Judas Iscariot Turning Away
10 Three Others Faithful to the End