Dulu Wang (1909-1977) was a famous Chinese Chivalry (Martial Art) novelist in the nineteen thirties and forties who wrote many novels including Crane-Iron Pentalogy (Dancing Crane, Singing Phoenix舞鹤鸣鸾记 aka鶴驚昆侖, 1940; Precious Sword, Golden Hairpin寶劍金釵, 1938; Sword Spirit, Pearl Light劍氣珠光, 1939; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍, 1941; and Iron Knight, Silver Vase 鐵騎銀瓶, 1942) which was adapted into a film under the title ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’by Ang Lee and his colleagues in 2000. Its spectacular action, rhapsodic landscapes and tragic romance have touched audiences in Asia, North America and around the world and won over 40 awards and was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won Best Foreign Language Film, Best Art Direction, Best Original Score and Best Cinematography. In 2019, the film was ranked the 51st in 100 best films of the 21st century list by Guardian.
Dulu Wang is considered one of the five greatest wuxia (which literally means ‘martial hero’) fiction writers of the Northern School in the Republican. He was less interested in writing about ruthless killings; instead he focused on his characters’ development, their emotions, friendship, and passions. Wang had great sympathy for women who suffered cruel oppression by the society and its feudal system, and his novels featured many strong female characters, warriors, and heroines. Most of his stories featured tragic endings. His perfect combination of chivalry, romance and tragedy in his novels have thrilled many critics and readers and this style have influenced many authors.
During 1925-1949 Wang published more 90 novels and thousands of articles and poems.
This book, Dancing Crane, Singing Phoenix, is Volume 1 of Wang’s Crane-Iron Pentalogy and was published in 1940 and edited and modified by Hong Wang in 2020.
More Wang’s books will be in the Collected Works of Dulu Wang series.
Jianghu Publishing 江湖出版社
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