Hip help on how to make Apple’s new Mac OS X Snow Leopardpurr* Full-color, 400 pages, and packed with information, this savvyguide gives readers the essential information they need on Mac OS XSnow Leopard* Whether novices or serious Mac fans, readers will find thatthis book answers the questions they have most, withoutoverwhelming them with detail* Topics include troubleshooting and maintaining Mac OS X, customizing the computer and workspace, automating repetitivetasks, using Unix, manipulating images and multimedia, listening tomusic and podcasts, connecting peripherals, copying music to ani Pod, syncing Macs to other devices, and more* As with all books in the Portable Genius series, this book isfun but straightforward; it comes in a handy portable size thatdoesn’t skimp on the essentials and is packed with tips, cooltricks, and savvy advice
Chapter 1: How Do I Get Started with Snow Leopard?Chapter 2: Can I Customize Snow Leopard?Chapter 3: How Do I Change Snow Leopard’s System Preferences?Chapter 4: How Do I Manage User Accounts?Chapter 5: What Can I Do with Applications and Utilities?Chapter 6: How Can I Print with Snow Leopard?Chapter 7: How Do I Work with PDFs and Images?Chapter 8: How Do I Organize My Life with i Cal and Address Book?Chapter 9: How Do I Master the Web with Safari?Chapter 10: How Do I Stay Connected with Mail?Chapter 11: What Are i Tunes’ Coolest Features?Chapter 12: What Can Snow Leopard Do with Digital Photography?Chapter 13: How Can I Share Files and Other Items?Chapter 14: How Can I Automate My Mac?Chapter 15: What Can I Do with UNIX Commands in Terminal?Chapter 16: Can I Install Windows on My Mac?Chapter 17: Do You Have Any Troubleshooting Tips?
लेखक के बारे में
Dwight Spivey is a software and support engineer for Konica Minolta, where he specializes in working with Mac operating systems, applications, and hardware. He is the author of Mac OS X Leopard Portable Genius, teaches classes on Mac usage, and is a Mac OS X beta tester for Apple.