Master the TEx ES with down-to-earth test prep strategies
Educators know that ESL certification is attainable if one understands the domains and competencies represented in the test and masters test prep skills. In her new book, Dr. Elaine Wilmore, known for popular and inspiring TEx ES preparation seminars, synthesizes her knowledge and experiences and gives readers a down-to-earth, practical approach to passing the ESL Supplemental Exam.
Written in a conversational tone, the book uses real examples to help readers connect theory with actual practice. In addition, the book offers:
- Thorough discussions of relevant concepts related to specific domains and competencies
- Tables and graphics for visual and kinesthetic learners
- Chapter summaries that highlight ‘Important Points’ and the author’s own ‘Guess My Favorites’ learning tips
- Test-taking strategies and sample exam questions
Fifteen substantial chapters will give you what you need to remove the mystery and relieve the pressures of preparing for the TEx ES exams. Give yourself a head start today!
‘This book is a needed resource for anyone who is seeking ESL certification or who is already certified and seeks a refresher on how to help foreign language students be successful not only in acquiring the English Language but also in understanding the variety of content being taught in English.’
—Juan Carlos Hernandez, Bilingual Specialist
Ridgeview Elementary, TX
About the Author
Section I: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
1. Welcome!
Overview of TEx ES Learner-Centered Domains and Competencies
Idealistic Teaching: A skills or an Art?
Getting Started
The ‘Guess My Favorite’ Feature
Section II: Domains and Competencies for the Supplemental English as a Second Language TEx ES Exam
2. Understanding Fundamental Langauge Concepts and the Structure and conventions of the English Langauge
Domain I: Langauge Concepts and Langauge Acquisition
domain Key Concepts: Langauge Concepts, Language Acquisition, and INterrelatedness of L1 and L2 Development
Competency: 001
The ESL Teacher KNows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
3. First and Second Langauge Acquisition and the Interrelatedness of L1 and L2 Learners
Domain I: Language Concepts and Langauge Acquisition
Domain Key Concepts: Language Concepts, Language Acquisition, and Interrelatedness of L1 and L2 Development
Competency: 002
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
4. Understanding and Applying ESL Teaching Methods for Developmentally Appropriate Instruction
Domain I: Language Concepts and Language Acquisition
Domain Key Concepts: Language Concepts, Language Acquisition, and Interrelatedness of L1 and L2 Development
Competency: 002
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
5. Promoting Students′ communicative Language Development in English
Domain II: ESL Instruction and Assessment
Domain Key Concepts: ESL Instruction and Assessment, Effective Research – Based Literacy Strategies, Oral and Written Communication Skills Across the Curriculum
Competency: 004
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
6. Promoting Students′ Literacy Development in English
Domain II: ESL Instruction and Assessment
Domain Key Concepts: ESL Instruction and Assessment, Effective Research – Based Literacy Strategies, Oral and Written Communication Skills Across the Curriculum
Competency: 005
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
7. Promoting Students′ Content Area Learning, Academic – Langauge Development, and Achievement Across the Curriculum
Domain II: ESL Instruction and Assessment
Domain Key Concepts: ESL Instruction and Assessment, Effective Research – Based Literacy Strategies, Oral and Written Communication Skills Across the Curriculum
Competency: 006
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
8. Understanding Formal and Informal Assessment Procedures and Instruments
Domain II: ESL Instruction and Assessment
Domain Key Concepts: ESL Instruction and Assessment, Effective Research – Based Literacy Strategies, Oral and Written Communication Skills Across the Curriculum
Competency: 007
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
9. Promoting Student Performance in English Language Arts and Reading
Domain III: Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural Awareness and Family and Community Involvement
Domain Key Concepts: Foundations, Research, and Types of ESL Programs, An Effective Multicultural and Multilingual Learning Environment, and Serving as an Advocate for ESL Students and their Families through Community Involvement
Competency: 008
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
10. Understanding Factors and Strategies that Affect ESL Students′ Learnign in a Multicultural and Multilingual Environment
Domain II: ESL Instruction and Assessment
Domain Key Concepts: ESL Instruction and Assessment, Effective Research – Based Literacy Strategies, Oral and Written Communication Skills Across the Curriculum
Competency: 009
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
11. Serving as an Advocate and Facilitator for ESL and Their Families
Important Points to Remember
Domain II: ESL Instruction and Assessment
Domain Key Concepts: ESL Instruction and Assessment, Effective Research – Based Literacy Strategies, Oral and Written Communication Skills Across the Curriculum
Competency: 010
The ESL Teacher Knows How to . . .
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Section III: The Real Deal: Practical Application
12. Test-Taking Strategies: Pay Close Attention
The Testing Session: General Overview
Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills
The Dot Game: A Psychological and Time Management Strategy
The Dog and Star Game: A Decision-Making Strategy
Multiple-Multiples: To Maximize Success, Always Use the Process
Steps in the Process
Key Words and Themes: “Sherrys” Revisited
The Ideal ESL Teacher
Strategy Summary
13. Creating a Personal Success Plan
Tips for Those Who Have Not Been Successful on the Exam . . . Yet
The Elaine Wilmore 5-C Plan
Tips for Out-of-State Future Texas ESL Teachers
Everyone, Texans and Non Texans Alike
Those Testing on a Computer
From Now Until the Week You Test
The Week You Test
What To Do, and Not To Do, the Night Before the Test
What To Do, and Not To Do, the Morning of the Test
Living Your Life After the Test
14. After Your Pass the Test: Forever and Ever, Amen
Actually Becoming Certified
Knock the Top Out of It!
15. Suggested Additional Reading
Read and Learn!
Domain I: Language Concepts and Language Acquisition
Domain II: ESL Instruction and Assessment
Domain III: Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural Awareness and Family and Community Involvement
Appendix A: Texas Education Code
English Langauge Proficiency Standards
Appendix B: Texas Adminstrative Code
लेखक के बारे में
Learn more about Elaine Wilmore′s PD offerings Dr. Elaine Wilmore was a public school teacher, counselor, elementary, and middle school principal before she moved to higher education. She has extensive background in everything from Early Childhood Education to creating and leading doctoral programs. She currently serves as a Doctoral Dissertation Adviser for Nova Southeastern University. She
also founded and is President of Elaine L. Wilmore Leadership Initiatives, which
focuses on improving campus and district leadership to increase student
performance. Elaine
formerly served as a Professor, the Chair of Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Foundations and as the founding Doctoral Director at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin. She also served at Dallas Baptist University as Assistant Vice President for Educational Networking and Program Director for the M.Ed. and, again, the implementing director of the Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership. Prior to her position at Dallas Baptist University, Dr. Wilmore served as Special Assistant to the Dean for NCATE Accreditation, Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), and was the founder of all initial Educational Leadership graduate programs at UTA including the innovative field-based and grant funded Educational Leadership UTA, which received national acclaim, and the Scholars of Practice program. While at UTA she also served as Director of University Program Development where she developed and was the original Chair of the Faculty Governance Committee for the College of Education. Dr. Wilmore’s respect amongst those in higher education has led her to serve as a tenure reviewer in four states and a manuscript and proposal reviewer for many conferences and professional journals. ‘I attended your workshop at College Station this past summer. I am happy to announce that I passed my certification exam the first time around! I am so excited and look forward to the future and what doors may open. Thank you for your strategies and your book!’ – Elodia Witterstaetter, TX