1. Chapter 1 – Introduction: Imagining the North of England, by Ewa Mazierska.- 2. Part 1: The North, History and an Archive. Chapter 2 - Kn...
1. Chapter 1 – Introduction: Imagining the North of England, by Ewa Mazierska.- 2. Part 1: The North, History and an Archive. Chapter 2 - Knocking-off Time in the North: Images of the Working Class and History in L.S. Lowry and Mitchell and Kenyon, by Paul Dave.- 3. Chapter 3 - Mediating Northern Identities and Loyalties Through Visual Heritage: An Unfinished Journey, by Heather Norris Nicholson.- 4. Chapter 4 - To the Cheshire Station: Alan Garner and John Mackenzie’s Red Shift, by Brian Baker.- Part 2: The North and the Rural and Urban Identities. Chapter 5 - Screening South Yorkshire: The Gamekeeper and Looks and Smiles, by David Forrest and Sue Vice.- Chapter 6 - Re-reading Edge of Darkness: The Power of Northernness and the ‘Man of Feeling’, by Katharine Cockin.- Chapter 7 - Producing Habitus: ITV Soap Operas and the ‘Northern Powerhouse’, by Peter Atkinson.- Chapter 8 - Outlaws: Race, Class and Region in Recent Northern Legal Television Drama, by Andy Willis & Shivani Pal.- 9. Chapter 9 - It’s Grimm up North: Domestic Obscenity, Assimilation Anxiety and Medical Salvation in In the Flesh, by Amy C. Chambers and Hannah J. Elizabeth.- 10. Part 3: The North in a Transnational Context. Chapter 10 - Looking West, not South: The Anglo-American Films Agreement and the North on Film, 1948 to 1958, by Alan Hughes.- 11. Chapter 11 - The North and Europe in 24 Hour Party People and Control, by Ewa Mazierska and Kamila Rymajdo.- 12. Chapter 12 - From North to East: Children and the Spatial Allegory of Entrapment in Ken Loach’s Kes and Csaba Bollók’s Iska’s Journey, by Zsolt Győri.- 13. Chapter 13 - The (Global) Northern Working Class: Engels Revisited, by Deirdre O’Neill.