“Spatial Processing in Navigation, Imagery and Perception” Since the decade of the brain cognitive processes have found their way to the study of brain functions and an increasing number of research studies are dealing with the aspect of spatial processing. In fact, a tremendous part of the cognitive domains studied pertain to spatial processing. However, there is also a growing tendency for diversification in relation to the subprocesses underlying spatial processing. Not only are there studies looking at the well known place cells in rats, rabbits and other animals, there is also an increasing number of studies looking at related topics in humans and monkeys such as spatial orientation, spatial construction, and spatial imagery. These studies, although diverse at first glance, have many aspects in common. We are now on the root to understand the underlying neuroanatomy and neurophysiology much better than ever before. This is made possible by the advent of novel techniques such as structural and functional in vivo anatomy, modeling, and several sophisticated behavioral research tools such as virtual reality techniques and simulators. Spatial processing is fundamental for understanding human cognition. However, compared to other domains such as memory, language, and attention the exploration of spatial functions has been understudied in the past years.
Spatial Processing during Mental Imagery: A Neurofunctional Theory.- The Role of Imagery in Navigation: Neuropsychological Evidence.- Functional Equivalence of Spatial Images Produced by Perception and Spatial Language.- Spatial Processing and View-Dependent Representations.- Modeling Mental Spatial Knowledge Processing.- Optic Ataxia: A Gateway to the Human Visual Action System.- Interactions Between Cognitive Space and Motor Activity.- Cross-modal Involvement of Visual Cortex in Tactile Perception.- Neuroanatomy of the Parietal Cortex.- Spatial Maps, Feature Integration and Parietal Function: Implications from the Study of Spatial Deficits.- Pigs in Space1: How We Recognize Rotated Objects.- Functional Neuroanatomy of Mental Rotation Performance.- Spatial Orientation and Navigation in Microgravity.- Spatial Representations in the Rat: Case Study or Perspective on Episodic Memory?.- Sensorimotor Transformations in Spatial Orientation Relative to Gravity.- Sensorimotor Control of Human Dynamic Behavior in Space Implemented into a Hominoid Robot.- The Ventro-dorsal Stream: Parieto-premotor Neural Circuits and Their Role in Primate Cognition.- Mind over Matter? Imagined Body Movements and Their Neuronal Correlates.- Bottom-up Effects of Sensory Conflict and Adaptation on Mental Imagery: Sensorimotor Grounds for High Level Cognition?.- Cortical Processing Of Auditory Space: Pathways And Plasticity.- Networks for Attentional Control and Selection in Spatial Vision.