Gerald Young, Ph.D., C. Psych., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada. He teaches Rehabilitation Psychology to senior undergraduates. In addition, he is a licensed psychologist in Ontario and Quebec, practicing in rehabilitation, in particular. He is the author or co-author of four books, and multiple chapters and articles. He is a member of Canadian registers in clinical practice and disability assessment. He has undertaken over 1, 000 assessments related to rehabilitation and disability claims for psychological injury, including after referral for medicolegal purposes from attorneys, insurance companies, and assessment companies. He is a member of the college policy and planning committee, having served in this function at the university level, as well. For the field of psychological injury and law, he is organizing the first (a) professional association, (b) the first academic journal, (c) the first graduate-level textbook related to the field, and (d) the first book series. Springer is considering supporting these publishing initiatives.
Andrew Kane, Ph.D., ABAP, is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Milwaukee. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Assessment Psychologists, is listed in the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, and is a recipient of the Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. He is a Professor at Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology, an Adjunct Clinical Professor in the department of Psychology at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and an Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin. He is the author or co-author of eight books and some five dozen professional papers and chapters. He served as a member of the Expert Panel on Psychiatric and Psychological Evidence of the Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law of the American Bar Association, which helped produce the National Benchbook on Psychiatric and Psychological Evidence and Testimony, published by the ABA. He is a former president of the Wisconsin Psychological Association and of its Division of Forensic and Correctional Psychologists. Dr. Kane also served as a member of the board of the Wisconsin Psychological Association”s forensic division. He served for ten years as a member of the Ethics Committee of the Wisconsin Psychological Association. Dr. Kane founded the Wisconsin Coalition on Sexual Misconduct by Psychotherapists and Counselors, a national model program. Dr. Kane has served as an expert in more than 3, 000 civil cases involving a variety of issues.
Keith Nicholson, Ph.D., C. Psych, has had extensive clinical experience working with many different patient populations. He obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University of Victoria and, since then, has worked at the Toronto Western Hospital, now part of the University Health Network in Toronto, in addition to working at several community clinics and maintaining a private practice. Dr. Nicholson is now affiliated with the Comprehensive Pain Program at the Toronto Western Hospital. He has a particular interest in the psychology of chronic pain and clinical neuropsychology and has many publications in these and other areas of interest.
12 द्वारा ईबुक Gerald Young
Gerald Young & Andrew W. Kane: Psychological Knowledge in Court
PTSD, pain syndromes, traumatic brain injury: these three areas are common features of personal injury cases, often forming the cornerstone of expert testimony. Yet their complex interplay in an indi …
Gerald Young & Andrew W. Kane: Causality of Psychological Injury
This sequel to the authors’ Psychological Knowledge in Court offers a welcome expansion on key concepts, terms, and issues in causality, bringing much needed clarity to psychological injury assessmen …
Gerald Young: Development and Causality
This book sets forth a new model of development from a causal perspective. As this is an area vital to several disciplines. It has been written at multiple levels and for multiple audiences. It is ba …
Gerald Young: You Can Rejoin Joy: Blogging for Today’s Psychology
Rejoining Joy seems like a hard task, but these blogs from Psychology Today show you that it’s possible and how to do it. Most of the blogs are from 2011, with some from 2012. Sections I and II intro …
Gerald Young: Causality and Development
The third book in Young’s unique trilogy on causality and development continues to locate and define the central role of causality in biopsychosocial and network/systems development, and as a unifyin …
Gerald Young: Unifying Causality and Psychology
This magistral treatise approaches the integration of psychology through the study of the multiple causes of normal and dysfunctional behavior. Causality is the focal point reviewed across discipline …
Gerald Young: Revising the APA Ethics Code
This integrative volume proposes major revisions to the APA ethics code and works toward creating an ethics code applicable across psychology, psychiatry, and related mental health professions. Caref …
Gerald Young: Malingering, Feigning, and Response Bias in Psychiatric/ Psychological Injury
This book is a comprehensive analysis of the definitions, concepts, and recent research on malingering, feigning, and other response biases in psychological injury/ forensic disability populations. I …
Gerald Young: Manual Specialization and the Developing Brain
Manual Specialization and the Developing Brain deals with how the hands acquire different skills and what this may tell about the child’s developing brain. This book is organized into three parts. Pa …
Gerald Young: Getting Started: A Peformance Measurement Handbook
Getting Started: A Performance Measurement Handbook serves as an introduction to the topic of performance measurement for local governments that have not yet started measuring their performance, or t …
Gerald Young: Causality and Neo-Stages in Development
This book represents a broad integration of several major themes in psychology toward its unification. Unifying psychology is an ongoing project that has no end-point, but the present work suggests s …
Gerald Young & Tyson Bailey: Handbook of Psychological Injury and Law
This book provides a comprehensive presentation of psychological problems, such as posttraumatic stress, depression and chronic pain, that are the result of injury or trauma and legal proceedings, su …