DOMINIC BARTON is a director with Mc Kinsey & Company andmanaging partner of the Firm”s Korea practice. He also is a leaderin the Firm”s financial institutions practice. Barton has advisedthe Korean Financial Supervisory Commission on restructuring theirbanking system as well as strategized with the Monetary Authorityof Singapore. He led a major Mc Kinsey study on how to transformcompanies into sustainably high performers and has led numerousstudies for private and public sector clients in the financialsector. He holds an M. Phil. in economics from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar, and a BA in economics from the University of British Columbia.
ROBERTO NEWELL is a former director at Mc Kinsey & Company wherehe led projects for governments and private sector clients infinancial crisis. Dr. Newell has served clients immersed infinancial crises throughout the Americas, including Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, the United States, and Venezuela. Heholds a BA and MA from the Universidad de las Americas in Mexicoand a Ph D in economics from the University of Texas at Austin. AMexican citizen, he is currently CEO of FESSA (Fondo de las Empresas Expropiadas del Sector Azucarero), a Mexican governmententity charged with turning around and privatizing twenty-sevenfailed sugar mills. With Luis Rubio Frieberg, Newell wrote anaward-winning book on Mexico”s financial crisis of the 1980s, entitled Mexico”s Dilemma: The Political Origins of Economic Crisis.
GREGORY WILSON is a principal in Mc Kinsey & Company”s Washington, D.C. office, specializing in strategic issues thataffect private and public sector clients in the financial servicesindustry. Wilson has worked on financial sector restructuringaround the world, including many recent crisis countries in Asiaand South America, and has conducted numerous client studies onpolicy, strategic, regulatory, and structural issues. He holds a BAin history, and politics and government from Ohio Wesleyan University. From 1974-1976 he attended the Fletcher School of Lawand Diplomacy where he studied international business and law.Prior to joining Mc Kinsey, Wilson served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions at the U.S. Treasury Department during the U.S. savings and loan crisis.
4 द्वारा ईबुक Gregory Wilson
Alyson Wilson & Gregory Wilson: Statistical Methods in Counterterrorism
All the data was out there to warn us of this impending attack, why didn’t we see it?’ This was a frequently asked question in the weeks and months after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Cent …
Dominic Barton & Roberto Newell: Dangerous Markets
A corporate guide to crisis management in volatile financialmarkets Current financial crises in Argentina, Japan, and Turkey arebeing played out on the front pages of newspapers, and these arejust th …
Gregory Wilson: Dead Portraits in a Living Room
All the poems between My Momma Did Say I Would Meet A Girl Like You and Untitled are observations, reminiscences, and insights stories within a story. Using the river motif and oral tradition in Unti …
Gregory Wilson: I Shall Sing and Dance in the Rain
Jamaica Inspired by the hardships, tests, and trials in life as well as the undying faith of humanity that shines like a rainbow coming through after the rain, internationally recognized poet, Gregor …