A Companion to Horace features a collection of commissioned
interpretive essays by leading scholars in the field of Latin
literature covering the entire generic range of works produced by
* Features original essays by a wide range of leading literary
* Exceeds expectations for the standard handbook by featuring
essays that challenge, rather than just summarize, conventional
views of Homer’s work and influence
* Considers Horace’s debt to his Greek predecessors
* Treats the reception of Horace from contemporary theoretical
* Offers up-to-date information and illustrations on the
archaeological site traditionally identified as Horace’s villa in
the Sabine countryside
List of Figures viii
Notes on Contributors ix
Abbreviations Used xiii
Author’s Note xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Introduction 1
Part I Biographical and Social Contexts 5
1. The Biographical and Social Foundations of Horace’s Poetic
Voice 7
David Armstrong
2. Horace’s Friendship: Adaptation of a Circular Argument
William Anderson
3. Horace and Imperial Patronage 53
Phebe Lowell Bowditch
4. The Roman Site Identified as Horace’s Villa at Licenza, Italy
Bernard Frischer
Part II Horatian Lyric: Literary Contexts 91
5. The Epodes: Genre, Themes, and Arrangement 93
David Mankin
6. Defi ning a Lyric Ethos: Archilochus lyricus and
Horatian melos 105
Gregson Davis
7. Horace and Lesbian Lyric 128
Jenny Strauss Clay
8. Horace’s Debt to Pindar 147
William H. Race
9. Female Figures in Horace’s Odes 174
Ronnie Ancona
10. The Roman Odes 193
Hans Peter Syndikus
11. Horace: Odes 4 210
Michèle Lowrie
12. The Carmen Saeculare 231
Michael Putnam
Part III The Satires and Epistles 251
13. Horace and the Satirist’s Mask: Shadowboxing with
Lucilius 253
Catherine Schlegel
14. Horatius Anceps: Persona and Self-revelation in
Satire and Song 271
Kirk Freudenburg
15. Return to Sender: Horace’s sermo from the Epistles to
the Satires 291
Andrea Cucchiarelli
16. The Epistles 319
W. R. Johnson
Part IV Reception of Horace’s Poetry 335
17. The Reception of Horace’s Odes 337
Lowell Edmunds
18. The Metempsychosis of Horace: The Reception of the Satires
and Epistles 367
Susanna Braund
19. Reception of Horace’s Ars Poetica 391
Leon Golden
Bibliography 414
Index 444
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Gregson Davis is Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature at Duke University. His publications include Polyhymnia: The Rhetoric of Horatian Lyric Discourse (1984) and Aimé Cesairé (1997).