Whether you have owned one or just wished you did, Corvettes evoke glamour, elegance, speed, a little danger, and a sense of American pride. In this book, Harvey Goldstein pairs decades-spanning photos of these classic sportscars with great stories from Corvette owners. As you explore the words and images, you’ll gain a new appreciation for the beauty and engineering of these cars and learn why owning and driving a Corvette is a special experience. Whether opening it up on a straight-away, taking it to a race track and driving around the oval, or just being able to give the “Corvette wave” to fellow owners on the open road, this book captures the fun and excitement of driving these cars—as well as the looks of envy from people driving in mundane sedans!
लेखक के बारे में
Harvey Goldstein (Cr.Photog.) has been in the photographic industry for over four decades, since he and his brother operated Alfa Studio in Middletown, Connecticut. Harvey is a graduate of Quinnipiac University and a past president of the Professional Photographers Association of New England (PPANE). He also served as president and, later, executive manager for the Connecticut Professional Photographers Association (CTPPA). He was a board member of PPA Charities for many years, and also served as its Vice President. He was an elected representative for PPA’s Council from 1980 to 2018 and is a three-time recipient of PPA’s coveted National Award. Harvey served as editor for the American Society of Photographers, the Professional Photographers Association of Massachusetts, and the Maine Professional Photographers Association, and LENS magazine. He was a contributing writer for Rangefinder magazine and After Capture and has worked as an editor for Amherst Media since 2013. Harvey resides in Branford, Connecticut.