Creative research methods can help to answer complex contemporary questions which are hard to answer using conventional methods alone. Creative methods can also be more ethical, helping researchers to address social injustice.
This bestselling book, now in its second edition, is the first to identify and examine the five areas of creative research methods:
• arts-based research
• embodied research
• research using technology
• multi-modal research
• transformative research frameworks.
Written in an accessible, practical and jargon-free style, with reflective questions, boxed text and a companion website to guide student learning, it offers numerous examples of creative methods in practice from around the world. This new edition includes a wealth of new material, with five extra chapters and over 200 new references. Spanning the gulf between academia and practice, this useful book will inform and inspire researchers by showing readers why, when, and how to use creative methods in their research.
Creative Research Methods has been cited over 2000 times.
Introducing Creative Research
Creative Research Methods in Practice
Transformative Research Frameworks and Indigenous Research
Creative Research Methods and Ethics
Creative Thinking
Arts-Based and Embodied Data Gathering
Technology-Based and Multi-Modal Data Gathering
Arts-Based and Embodied Data Analysis
Technology-Based and Multi-Modal Data Analysis
Arts-Based and Embodied Research Reporting
Technology-Based and Multi-Modal Research Reporting
Arts-Based and Embodied Presentation
Technology-Based and Multi-Modal Presentation
From Research Into Practice
लेखक के बारे में
Helen Kara is a leading independent researcher, author, teacher and speaker specialising in research methods, particularly creative methods, and research ethics. With over twenty years’ experience as an independent researcher Helen now teaches doctoral students and staff at higher education institutions worldwide. She is a prolific academic author with over 25 titles and 1000 citations; notably Creative Research Methods: A Practical Guide and Research and Evaluation for Busy Students and Practitioners, both in their second editions. Besides her regular blogs and videos, she also writes comics and fiction. Helen is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Manchester, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. In 2021, at the age of 56, she was diagnosed autistic. Her neurodivergence explains her lifelong fascination with, and ability to focus on, words, language and writing.