Prof. Dr. Eveline Wuttke, Professor in Economic and Business Education, Goethe University Frankfurt Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seifried, Professor Economic and Business Education – Professional Teaching and Learning, University of Mannheim Prof. Dr. Helmut M. Niegemann, Senior Professor in Economic and Business Education, Goethe University Frankfurt
3 द्वारा ईबुक Helmut M. Niegemann
Helmut M. Niegemann & Steffi Domagk: Kompendium multimediales Lernen
Multimediales Lernen hat sich in der modernen Lehr- und Lernlandschaft durchgesetzt. Neue Technologien schaffen neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Wie aber lässt sich die Qualität neuer multimedialer Lehr- u …
Eveline Wuttke & Jürgen Seifried: Vocational Education and Training in the Age of Digitization
The increasing digitization of the world of work is associated with accelerated structural changes. These are connected with changed qualification profiles and thus new challenges for vocational educ …