This second edition of the widely praised Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology, features a variety of updates, revisions, and new readings in its comprehensive presentation of issues in the history of anthropological theory and epistemology over the past century.
- Provides a comprehensive selection of 60 readings and an insightful overview of the evolution of anthropological theory
- Revised and updated to reflect an on-going strength and diversity of the discipline in recent years, with new readings pointing to innovative directions in the development of anthropological research
- Identifies crucial concepts that reflect the practice of engaging with theory, particular ways of thinking, analyzing and reflecting that are unique to anthropology
- Includes excerpts of seminal anthropological works, key classic and contemporary debates in the discipline, and cutting-edge new theorizing
- Reveals broader debates in the social sciences, including the relationship between society and culture; language and cultural meanings; structure and agency; identities and technologies; subjectivities and trans-locality; and meta-theory, ontology and epistemology
Notes on the Editors x
General Introduction xi
Henrietta L. Moore and Todd Sanders
Acknowledgments xvi
Anthropology and Epistemology 1
Henrietta L. Moore and Todd Sanders
Section 1 Culture and Behavior 21
1 The Aims of Anthropological Research 22
Franz Boas
2 The Concept of Culture in Science 32
A. L. Kroeber
3 Problems and Methods of Approach 37
Gregory Bateson
4 The Individual and the Pattern of Culture 43
Ruth Benedict
Section 2 Structure and System 53
5 Rules for the Explanation of Social Facts 54
Emile Durkheim
6 On Social Structure 64
A. R. Radcliffe-Brown
7 Introduction to Political Systems of Highland Burma 70
E. R. Leach
8 Social Structure 78
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Section 3 Function and Environment 89
9 The Group and the Individual in Functional Analysis 90
Bronislaw Malinowski
10 The Concept and Method of Cultural Ecology 102
Julian H. Steward
11 Energy and the Evolution of Culture 109
Leslie A. White
12 Ecology, Cultural and Noncultural 123
Andrew P. Vayda and Roy A. Rappaport
Section 4 Methods and Objects 129
13 Understanding and Explanation in Social Anthropology 130
J. H. M. Beattie
14 Anthropological Data and Social Reality 141
Ladislav Holy and Milan Stuchlik
15 Objectification Objectified 151
Pierre Bourdieu
Section 5 Meanings as Objects of Study 165
16 Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture 166
Clifford Geertz
17 Anthropology and the Analysis of Ideology 173
Talal Asad
18 Subjectivity and Cultural Critique 186
Sherry B. Ortner
Section 6 Language and Method 191
19 Structural Analysis in Linguistics and in Anthropology 192
Claude Lévi-Strauss
20 Ordinary Language and Human Action 204
Malcolm Crick
21 Language, Anthropology and Cognitive Science 210
Maurice Bloch
Section 7 Cognition, Psychology, and Neuroanthropology 221
22 Towards an Integration of Ethnography, History and the Cognitive Science of Religion 222
Harvey Whitehouse
23 Linguistic and Cultural Variables in the Psychology of Numeracy 226
Charles Stafford
24 Subjectivity 231
T. M. Luhrmann
25 Why the Behavioural Sciences Need the Concept of the Culture-Ready Brain 236
Charles Whitehead
Section 8 Bodies of Knowledges 245
26 Knowledge of the Body 246
Michael Jackson
27 The End of the Body? 260
Emily Martin
28 Hybridity: Hybrid Bodies of the Scientific Imaginary 276
Lesley Sharp
Section 9 Coherence and Contingency 285
29 Puritanism and the Spirit of Capitalism 286
Max Weber
30 Introduction to Europe and the People Without History 293
Eric R. Wolf
31 Introduction to Of Revelation and Revolution 308
Jean Comaroff and John Comaroff
32 Epochal Structures I: Reconstructing Historical Materialism 322
Donald L. Donham
33 Structures and the Habitus 332
Pierre Bourdieu
Section 10 Universalisms and Domain Terms 343
34 Body and Mind in Mind, Body and Mind in Body: Some Anthropological Interventions in a Long Conversation 344
Michael Lambek
35 So Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture? 357
Sherry B. Ortner
36 Global Anxieties: Concept-Metaphors and Pre-theoretical Commitments in Anthropology 363
Henrietta L. Moore
Section 11 Perspectives and Their Logics 377
37 The Rhetoric of Ethnographic Holism 378
Robert J. Thornton
38 Writing Against Culture 386
Lila Abu-Lughod
39 Cutting the Network 400
Marilyn Strathern
Section 12 Objectivity, Morality, and Truth 411
40 The Primacy of the Ethical: Propositions for a Militant Anthropology 412
Nancy Scheper-Hughes
41 Moral Models in Anthropology 419
Roy D’Andrade
42 Postmodernist Anthropology, Subjectivity, and Science: A Modernist Critique 429
Melford E. Spiro
43 Beyond Good and Evil? Questioning the Anthropological Discomfort with Morals 441
Didier Fassin
Section 13 The Anthropology of Western Modes of Thought 447
44 The Invention of Women 448
Oyèrónké Oyìwùmí
45 Valorizing the Present: Orientalism, Postcoloniality and the Human Sciences 455
Vivek Dhareshwar
46 Cosmological Deixis and Amerindian Perspectivism 461
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
Section 14 (Re)defining Objects of Inquiry 475
47 What Was Life? Answers from Three Limit Biologies 476
Stefan Helmreich
48 The Near and the Elsewhere 481
Marc Augé
49 Relativism 492
Bruno Latour
Section 15 Subjects, Objects, and Affect 501
50 How to Read the Future: The Yield Curve, Affect, and Financial Prediction 502
Caitlin Zaloom
51 Signs Are Not the Garb of Meaning: On the Social Analysis of Material Things 508
Webb Keane
52 Affective Spaces, Melancholic Objects: Ruination and the Production of Anthropological Knowledge 514
Yael Navaro-Yashin
Section 16 Imagining Methodologies and Meta-things 521
53 Beyond “Culture”: Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference 522
Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson
54 What is at Stake – and is not – in the Idea and Practice of Multi-sited Ethnography 531
George E. Marcus
55 Grassroots Globalization and the Research Imagination 535
Arjun Appadurai
56 The End of Anthropology, Again: On the Future of an In/Discipline 547
John Comaroff
Section 17 Anthropologizing Ourselves 555
57 Participant Objectivation 556
Pierre Bourdieu
58 Anthropology of Anthropology? Further Reflections on Reflexivity 561
P. Steven Sangren
59 World Anthropologies: Cosmopolitics for a New Global Scenario in Anthropology 566
Gustavo Lins Ribeiro
60 Cultures of Expertise and the Management of Globalization: Toward the Re-functioning of Ethnography 571
Douglas R. Holmes and George E. Marcus
Index 576
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Henrietta L. Moore is the William Wyse Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge. Her most recent book is Still Life: Hopes, Desires and Satisfactions (2011).
Todd Sanders is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto, and has worked in Africa for two decades. His books include Those Who Play with Fire: Gender, Fertility and Transformation in East and Southern Africa (2004) and Beyond Bodies: Rainmaking and Sense Making in Tanzania (2008).