The hope of this book is that it awakens desire to know more intimately the God who breaks through our compartmentalization and naming. While most in the West have heard God’s name as almost exclusively masculine, a child growing up in Israel would have experienced the Spirit of God, and Lady Wisdom, as female. This ruach, the breath of God, brooded over the face of the deep in the creation story like a hovering mother bird. The God of the Bible and the early church has been described with both masculine and feminine imagery, referred to by the church fathers and mystics as both Mother and Father. In our time we have lost much of this rich feminine imagery.
This book explores not only this historical knowing of God but also more contemporary writers, such as Carl Jung, Paul Young (The Shack), George Mac Donald, and Thomas Merton. Each of these men engaged with the Divine Feminine, giving us examples of how we too may find God more deeply and more intimately.
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Irene Alexander has a background in psychology, missions, and spiritual direction. She lectures at the Asian Theological Seminary in Manila, Philippines, and the Australian Catholic University in Brisbane, Australia, and also in spiritual direction formation. She is an elder of Servant to Asia's Urban Poor, a Companion of Northumbria Community and is a mother and grandmother.