AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, provensolutions, and expert guidance.
A comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide to maximizing thebenefits of IRAs and retirement assets. Retire Secure, Second Edition offers unbeatable recommendations for addressing the #1fear facing most readers: Running Out of Money. Retire Secure, Second Edition also shows baby boomers nearing retirement how theycan save tens of thousands to over one million dollars by payingtaxes later. This practical guide delivers straight forwardaccumulation and distribution strategies for IRAs, Roth IRAs, thenew Roth 401(k) and other retirement plans. More specifically, Lange gives readers tips on how to prepare for expected tax changesin 2010, details on converting to Roth IRAs, New Roth 401(k) and Roth 403(b) rules, and when IRA and retirement plan owners shouldconsider second to die life insurance. Further, this book describes Lange’s exceptional estate plan–a plan that has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and many other fine financial journals.This definitive guide enjoys glowing endorsements from Charles Schwab, Larry King, Ed Slott and 60 other financial authors andexperts.
Foreword by Larry King xxi
Acknowledgments xxiii
How to Read This Book xxv
The Big Retirement Question xxix
A Summary of Tax Reduction Strategies xxxi
What’s New! xxxvii
Introduction by Ed Slott xliii
Part One The Accumulation Years: The Best Way to Save for Retirement 1
1. Fund Retirement Plans to the Maximum 3
2. Traditional IRAs versus Roth IRAs 31
3. Traditional 401(k)s and 403(b)s versus Roth 401(k)s and Roth403(b)s 49
Part Two The Distribution Years: Spend the Right Funds Firstand Other Critical Decisions You Face in Retirement 71
4. Optimal Spending Strategies for Retirees 73
5. Minimum Required Distribution Rules 85
6. Should You Transfer Your 401(k) Account to an IRA at Retirement?: Rollovers versus Trustee-to-Trustee Transfers and Other Strategies 95
7. Roth IRA Conversions 123
8. Annuitizing Your Financial Accumulations: Does It Make Sensefor You? 139
9. Withdrawing Retirement Plans Funded with Company Stocks and Net Unrealized Appreciation 161
Part Three Estate Planning: It Is Never Too Early to Start167
10. Eddie and Emily: A Retirement and Estate Planning Case Study171
11. How to Reduce Your Federal Estate Tax Burden 181
12. The Most Certain and for Many the Best Way to Provide Financial Security for Your Children: Survivorship Life Insurance203
13. Laying the Foundation for Estate Planning: Using the Minimum Required Distribution Rules after Death 225
14. Using Disclaimers in Estate Planning 235
15. The Ideal Benefi ciary Designation of Your Retirement Plan:Stretching and Disclaiming: Lange’s Cascading Benefi ciary Plan 249
16. Changing Benefi ciaries for Retirement Plans and IRAs265
17. Trusts as Benefi ciaries of Retirement Plans 275
18. How Donors Can Do Well by Doing Good 287
19. A Point-by-Point Summary of the Whole Process 301
Thank you, Readers 305
Appendix: Life Expectancy Tables 309
About the Author 311
Index 313