Timeless questions are the questions asked as we confront the mysteries of life: What is our origin, essential nature, best way to live a good life, and final destiny? The questions are timeless because each generation keeps asking them, and their mysteries are never fully resolved. The world religions, in their ancient forms, explore these mysteries and provide not so much answers as useful insight for thinking about human existence. Each chapter in this book explores a particular mystery and its related questions, drawing in the ideas of the religions as needed. These include chapters on God, creation, human nature, social order, the good life, suffering and death, and the fate of the world. Through the persistent inquiry of the ‘questioner, ‘ in dialogue with a knowledgeable professor, the mysteries are explored in a practical way, relevant to life today, but leaving room for further discussion. Because there is often little opportunity to study religion in school, many people, through no fault of their own, don’t know much about religion, especially world religions. This is not a book to foster belief or doubt. It is designed to provide basic information, enhance cross-cultural understanding, and aid in the development of a philosophy of life. Here you can feel the joy of learning something new while examining the mysteries of your own life through the timeless questions that nag us all.
लेखक के बारे में
James R. Davis is a professor and dean emeritus of the University of Denver. He holds degrees from Oberlin College, Yale University Divinity School, and Michigan State University and is the author of eight academic books on college teaching, training, and leadership. A sequence of graduate courses taken at Miami University (Ohio) inspired a life-long interest in world religions. Jim lives at home in a suburb west of Denver, Colorado, with his wife Adelaide, who is originally from Brazil. His novels, ‘Ranch Without Cowboys’ and ‘The Last Resort’ are also published by Sunstone Press.