` Researchers interested in various aspects of college leadership and management will find this book a convenient and scholarly introduction to related research in the school sector′ –
Further Education Development Agenc y,
College Research Journal
`Educational management has become an important academic subject. The contributors to this volume have gauaranteed its survival as such by undertaking this review in order that they and others working in the field may take account of a range of agendas and initiatives. The outcome must be a fresh stance and a new sense of direction to enable a study of educational managment to meet the needs of teachers and their schools in the new millennium′ – Educational Research
Educational Management brings together important original contributions from leading thinkers in the field. Edited by some of the key figures in educational management today, chapters examine the following key areas: Has self-management achieved the success predicted for it?; What should be the nature of professional development for educational leaders?; to what extent can education benefit by drawing from practice in business and industry?; can theory inform management practice in education?; how can research contribute to educational improvement?; how can leaders help improve classroom practice?
Educational Management is one of the major outcomes of the ESRC ( Economic and Social Research Council) seminar series which aimed to redefine educational management in the light of the many developments in policy, practice, theory and research since the subject became established in the 1970s.
Preface – Tony Bush et al
Introduction – Tony Bush
Setting the Scene
Modern Headship for the Rationally Managed School – Rosalind Levacic et al
Combining Cerebral and Insightful Approaches
Decentralization and Deregulation in Europe – Peter Karstanje
Towards a Conceptual Framework
Continuities and Changes in Primary Headship – Geoff Southworth
Primary Schools and the Nature of the Education Market Place – Les Bell
Understanding Leadership – Peter Ribbins
Developing Headteachers
Stages of Headship – Dick Weindling
Promoting Continuing Professional Development for Teachers – Agnes Mc Mahon
An Achievable Target for School Leaders?
Headteachers′ Knowledge, Practice and Mode of Cognition – Michael Eraut
Combining Cultural and Political Perspectives – Mike Wallace
The Best of Both Conceptual Worlds?
Institutional Transformation and Educational Management – Chris James
Gender and Education Management – Valerie Hall
Duel or Dialogue?
School Effectiveness and School Improvement – Janet Ouston
Critique of a Movement
Can Leadership Enhance School Effectiveness? – Philip Hallinger and Ronald Heck
Educational Administration, Leadership and Management – Ray Bolam
Towards a Research Agenda
Overview of a Group of Research Projects with Relevance to School Management – Mike Wallace and Dick Weindling
Pedagogy, Educational Management and the TTA Research Agenda – Philippa Cordingley
Researching and Constructing Histories of the Field of Educational Management – Helen Gunter
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Les Bell is Emeritus Professor of Educational Leadership at the Universities of Leicester and Lincoln. He trained as a teacher at Goldsmiths College, London and taught in both primary and secondary schools. He joined the Education Department at Coventry College of Education and subsequently became a member of the Education Department at the University of Warwick. He has held posts at the Universities of Warwick, Liverpool John Moores, Lincoln and Leicester. He has written and researched extensively on educational management and leadership, particularly on ambiguity theory, strategy and change management, leading schools in challenging circumstances, new developments in educational leadership and the formulation and implementation impact of government policy and its impact on schools. He is co-editor, with Howard Stevenson, of Organizing Public Education – a four volume collection in the Major Works series. London, Sage His latest publications Leading Schools in Challenging Circumstance: Strategies for Success. London. Bloomsbury Press (2016), (with Phil Smith) and Agency, Structure and the NEET Policy Problem: The Experiences of Young People. London. Bloomsbury (2017) (with Ian Thurlby-Campbell)