Carolines parents are killed in a tragic motor vehicle accident and she is left alone, except for her dog, Hurry. She is inexperienced in matters of the heart, lonely since her parents deaths and marries a work colleague, Owen. She knows that this is not a match made in heaven, but goes ahead with the wedding against her better judgment. He bullies her and when she is pregnant with their child, he ignores her existence. After Gavin is born Caroline knows that if she is to have any chance of a better life, she needs to find a way to earn some money and put it away where her husband wont find it. Owen hates the shiny red kettle that sits on the kitchen bench and is a constant reminder to him of Carolines former life. This is where she secretes the money she makes at her part-time job. Margie, the owner of the coffee shop for whom Caroline secretly bakes cookies, asks her what she is saving up for. Caroline answers Freedom.
लेखक के बारे में
I am an Australian, and this is my first book of fiction. I enjoy writing short stories and poetry about people and the situations they find themselves in. I like to observe people and their interactions with others and the characters in this book have been created from some of the people I have seen. The characters are a blend of real and fictitious people. It is also a story about women helping other women so that they can achieve personal and financial freedom, no matter what their age or background.