This book contains the proceedings of the INternational Cong Ress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI c Entury – INCREa SE 2019, which was held in Faro, Portugal, from October 09 to 11, 2019.
The book promotes a multidisciplinary approach to sustainable development, exploring a number of transversal challenges. Among other topics it discusses Climate Changes and Environmental Protection; Renewable Energy; Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Green Governance and Mobility; Water for Ecosystem and Society; Healthy Food; Sustainable Construction; and Sustainable Tourism, offering perspectives from civil, electronics, mechanical, and food engineering.
Chapter 1. Rainfall Trends in Southern Portugal at Different Time Scales (Maria Manuela Portela).- Chapter 2. Nitrate Reductase Activity in Green Macroalgae as an Environmental Indicator of Temperature and Salinity Changes and its Implication for Climate Change
Projections (Jaime Aníbal).- Chapter 3. Meteorological Drought Assessment in the Eastern
Slovakia (Martina Zelenakova).- Chapter 4. Spatial and Meteorological Behaviour of Daily Ozone Air Pollution in the Bay of Algeciras (2010–2015) (Inmaculada Rodríguez).- Chapter 5. Projections of Maximum Tidal Inundation Limits of Estuar-ies and Lagoons of the South Algarve, Forced by Mean Sea Level Rise: RCP8.5 Scenario (Dissanayake Sampath).- Chapter 6. Carbon Balance and Ecosystem Services – Golf Courses Environmental Performance in Algarve, Portugal (Manuela Moreira da Silva).