लेखक: Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar

Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar, PhD, is Associate Professor and Department Chair of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, where psychology is housed, at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. She was born and raised in Malaysia, and received her university education in psychology in Ireland and the UK. Dr. Jaafar organized the 2nd International Conference of the Asian Psychological Association in 2008, and is Past-President of that organization. She has authored two books, Adolescent Psychology (Lumpur, 2002) and Child and Adolescent Psychology (Lumpur, 2002). She is also a co-author of the chapter on Malaysia in State Violence and the Right to Peace: An International Survey of the Views of Ordinary People (ABC-Clio, 2009) in addition to articles in journals including Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, The Malaysian Journal of Social Administration, and Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology. Sherri McCarthy, PhD, is active on the boards of many international psychology organizations including ICOPE, ICP, APsyA and APA Division 52. She has authored many books, including Coping with Special Needs Classmates (Rosen, 1995); Death in the Family (International Self-Counsel Press, 1993); Teaching Psychology around the World (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007; 2009);and Preventing Teen Violence (Greenwood-Praeger, 2006). She has also written chapters in State Violence and the Right to Peace: An International Survey of the Views of Ordinary People (ABC-CLIO, 2009), Psychology of Terrorism (Greenwood-Praeger, 2002), Treating Abusers in Correctional Settings, (Haworth, 2003), Handbook of Practice-based Research (Oxford, 2004) and other essay collections. Her articles have appeared in journals including Peace Psychology, Teaching of Psychology, Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving, Psychologie Pratiques, Community College Journal of Research and Practice and others. She has taught at universities around the world, as a Senior Fulbright Research and Teaching Scholar in Russia for 1 year; in Brazil as a CNPq Visiting Research Scholar for 3 years; at the University of Bologna, Italy as a lecturer in 2007; and at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur as a visiting professor during 2008–09. Sherri has been a faculty member at Northern Arizona University, Yuma since 1993, where she is Professor of Educational Psychology, Counselling and Human Relations.

1 द्वारा ईबुक Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar

Jas Laile Suzana Binti Jaafar & Sherri McCarthy: Building Asian Families and Communities in the 21st Century
This book provides an overview of current research in psychology throughout Asia, including papers that demonstrate the adaptation of the discipline to issues specific to families and communities wit …