This is a wonderful collection of conversations from ethnically diverse contributors using the art form of writing to promote inclusion and as an antidote to structural racism. Thanks to these contributing authors whose conversations allow us to understand the experience of people who have a bias against them. This collection of conversations offers some ideas and strategies. What is the next step?
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Jeanne De Fazio is the author of Keeping the Dream Alive: A Reflection on the Art of Harriet Lorence Nesbit; coauthor of How to Have an Attitude of Gratitude on the Night Shift with Teresa Flowers and Letting Go; and editor of Berkeley Street Theatre: How Improvisation and Street Theater Emerged as a Christian Outreach to the Culture of the Time. She also edited Specialist Fourth Class John Joseph De Fazio: Advocating for Disabled American Veterans, The Commission, Finding a Better Way, Otto & The White Dove, and was the coeditor of Creative Ways to Build Christian Community, Redeeming the Screens, Empowering English Language Learners, and An Artistic Tribute to Harriet Tubman. She is a contributing author to Christian Egalitarian Leadership and to Jesus Among the Homeless.Check out my book trailer for Creative Ways to Build Christian Community here!