Chapter 1: Fostering social justice and inclusion in teacher education.- Chapter 2: Empowering children to become critical thinkers of social justice and diversity educat...
Chapter 1: Fostering social justice and inclusion in teacher education.- Chapter 2: Empowering children to become critical thinkers of social justice and diversity education; Paula Hamilton and Chandrika Devarakonda.- Chapter 3: Strategies for facilitating culturally safer learning environments; Kim Willis and Sara Weuffen.- Chapter 4: Adversity, social justice and agency in preservice music teaching; Greg Aronson and Marcelle Cacciattolo.- Chapter 5: Seeking academic voice: An autoethnographic study of casualisation in teacher education; Reshmi Lahiri-Roy.- Chapter 6: Exceptional graduate teachers trying to make a difference: School leadership, school climate and its impact on the experiences of new teachers; Lynette Longaretti, and Dianne Toe.- Chapter 7: Social justice standpoints for anti-colonial education: Safety and agency for people, land and species; Jillian K Marsh, Robyn Ober, John Guenther and Sandra Wooltorton.- Chapter 8: Critical perspectives of diversity, equity, and inclusion in teacher education: Investigating Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, and India; Daya Weerasinghe, Rachel Daniel, Sujeewa Polgampala, and Jayani Gurunada.- Chapter 9: Diversity, equity and belonging: Taking a risk at learning; Mary-Rose Mc Laren, Shiona Long, Scott Welsh, Anthony Balla, and Fergus Mc Laren.- Chapter 10: Examining strategies to support teacher self-efficacy when working with diverse student groups: A scoping literature review; Ana Larsen and Ondine Bradbury.- Chapter 11: Reframing early childhood teacher education: An innovation supporting equity and access; Mandy Cooke, Naomi David, Rosemarie Garner, Natalie Robertson and Elizabeth Rouse.- Chapter 12: Teachers with impairments: Including and supporting a ‘vastly marginalised population’; Jenene Burke and Gerard Skene.- Chapter 13: Leading Short Term International Study Experiences in Teacher Education: Enablers, barriers, and insights from four case studies.- Mellita Jones, Marcelle Cacciattolo, Graham Parr, Angela Fitzgerald.- Chapter 14: Preparing preservice teachers for the complexities of working with vulnerable and marginalised young mothers; Karen Felstead.- Chapter 15: The influence of extended family on immigrant pre-service teachers’ career choice; Gillian Kidman, Hazel Tan, Tshewang Rabgay, Ann Gervasoni, and Colleen Vale.- Chapter 16: Women’s education in Afghanistan; Parwaiz Najibi, and Claire Mc Lachlan.- Chapter 17: Striving to develop equity-oriented teacher education pedagogy.- Chapter 18: Waiting for a hero: The challenge of social justice in vulnerable schools; Matthew Krehl Edward Thomas, Lynette Longaretti, Julie Arnold and Dianne Toe.- Chapter 19: The creative arts in early childhood teacher education as a site of resistance to neoliberalism; Jessica Grimes and Patrick Gordon.- Chapter 20: The role of adult perceptions when interpreting and facilitating play-based learning for children with impairments; Amy Claughton.- Chapter 21: Remote teaching practicum in low SES Schools: NETDS preservice teacher perceptions; Marcelle Cacciattolo, Jeanne Carroll, Amanda Muscat, Ligia Pelosi, and Melissah Thomas.- Chapter 22: Metacognition as an enabler for high standards of academic writing in teacher education; Violetta Carter.- Chapter 23: Preservice teacher perspectives on their cultural identity and its impact on classroom practice; Sarah Tartakover.- Chapter 24: Repositioning the teaching and learning of literacy in CALD communities: Beyond the virtual classroom; Mark Vicars, Amanda Muscat and Janine Arantes.- Chapter 25: Concluding chapter by editors; Jenene Burke, Marcelle Cacciattolo and Dianne Toe.