This is the first book on working with disabled people to take an aspirational, outcomes-focused approach to professional practice. It forms the first attempt to grapple with the massive legislative and policy shifts in the Disability field in the last 15 years and provides an up-to-date, positive approach to professional practice, based on the social model of disability. Importantly, the book translates both adult and children′s′ disability legislation and policy guidance into positive, creative, enabling practice methods for professionals in social care, health, employment and independent living.
The book takes a practical approach that challenges professionals to confront key issues in disability studies, policy and practice. The key topics covered are:
o The Historical Legacy, Legislation, Policy and Guidance
o Community Care and Beyond
o Pivotal Moments in the development of disability policy
o Independent Living, Choices and Rights
o Life course Issues
o Valuing Diversity
o Key Challenges for an aspiring social model practitioner
This book is an indispensable resource for all professionals and students working with disabled people.
The Historical Legacy, Legislation, Policy and Guidance
The Roots of Policy, Legislation and Protection
The Poor Law Origins of Health and Social Care
Community Care and Beyond
Community Care Legislation
Pivotal Moments in the development of disability policy
The Social Model of Disability
′Mainstreaming′ Controversies and Critique
Balancing Greater Individual Choice with Resource Equity
The Lessons of History and new Demands in Practice
Positive Practice
Advocacy, Facilitation and Empowerment
The Implications of Equality 2025 and the Growth of Centres of Inclusive Living
Independent Living, Choices and Rights
Enabling Practice in the 21st Century
Working Futures: Work Options and Economic Wellbeing for Disabled people
Direct Payments and In Control: Blazing a Trail for Personalised Social Care
Personalisation and Self Directed Support
Independence, Well-Being and Choice and Beyond
In Control
Individual Budgets
Life course Issues
Every Child Matters: Towards Seamless Child Services
Every Disabled Child Matters
Disabled Children′s Wheelchair Services: Some Distance Still to Travel
Transition from Children′s to Adult Services
Working with Older Disabled People
Adult Social Care and Older People: Practice Issues
Home-Based Living Options for Disabled People
Practice points with Assistive Technologies
The Family Context: Informal Carers′ Issues; Balancing the Rights of Disabled People with Those of Carers
Valuing Diversity
Mental Health
Learning Disabled Service Users
Gender and Disability
Ethnicity and Disability
Sexuality, Sexual Identity and Parenting
Key Challenges for an Aspiring Social Model Practitioner
The Challenge of User Control and Choice; How Should a Social Model Practitioner Act?
Managing the Managers: Budgetary Constraints and Street Level Bureaucracy: Dealing with a Disempowering System
Mental Capacity and Power of Attorney: How Can the Duty of Care be Balanced with Social Model Practice?
Practice Guidance Summarised
Working with Colleagues in User-Led Organizations
Users, Carers and Wider Service Providers: Seeing Disabled People in Context: The Central Place of the Disabled Person
Relating the Legislation and Policy to the Practice Environment: How Can Professionals Develop ′Real Reflexivity′ in Working with Disabled People?