The dynamics of transnational memory play a central role in modern politics, from postsocialist efforts at transitional justice to the global legacies of colonialism. Yet, the relatively young subfield of transnational memory studies remains underdeveloped and fractured across numerous disciplines, even as nascent, boundary-crossing theories on topics such as multi-vocal, traveling, or entangled remembrance suggest new ways of negotiating difficult political questions. This volume brings together theoretical and practical considerations to provide transnational memory scholars with an interdisciplinary investigation into agency—the “who” and the “how” of cross-border commemoration that motivates activists and fascinates observers.
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Agency and Practice in the Making of Transnational Memory Spaces
Jenny Wüstenberg
Chapter 1. A Field-Theoretical Approach to Collective Memory
Zoltan Dujisin
Chapter 2. Transnational Memories and the Practices of Global Justice in the Ayotzinapa Case
Silvana Mandolessi
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Chapter 3. Online Transnational Memory Activism and Commemoration: The Case of the White Armband Day
Orli Fridman & Katarina Ristić
Chapter 4. Memory Activism across Borders: The Transformative Influence of the Argentinean-Franco Court Case and Activist Protest Movements on Spain’s Recovery of Historical Memory
Andrea Hepworth
Chapter 5. The Creation and Utilization of Opportunity Structures for Transnational Activism on WWII Sexual Slavery in Asia
Mary Mc Carthy
Chapter 6. The Political Agency of Victims through Transnational Process of Forensic Anthropology and Memory Construction in Latin America
Devin Finn
Chapter 7. Transnational Place-Making After Political Violence: Agencies and Practices of Site Memorialization in the Latin American Southern Cone
Gruia Bădescu
Chapter 8. My Pain, Our Grievance: Universal Human Rights and Memory Standardization in Liberia’s Truth Commission
Noga Glucksam
Chapter 9. Transitional Justice in Public: Communicating Transnational Memories of Mass Violence
Courtney E Cole
Chapter 10. Transnational Memory Movements in the 9/11 Museum
Amy Sodaro
Chapter 11. Links to the Past, Bridges for the Present? Recognition among Memory Organizations in a European Network
Till Hilmar
Chapter 12. ‘Life Was a Precarious Dance’: Graphic Narration and the Construction of a Transcultural Memory Space in the Positive Negatives Project
Dragos Manea and Mihaela Precup
Chapter 13. A Transnational Nation: Roma National Identity in the Making
Balázs Majtényi and György Majtenyi
Chapter 14. Border-Crossing Cultural Initiatives of Memory and Reconciliation across the Colombian-Panama Border
Ricardo A. Velasco Trujillo
Conclusions: Agency in Transnational Memory Politics—Guidelines for Inquiry
Aline Sierp
लेखक के बारे में
Aline Sierp is Associate Professor in European History & Memory Studies at Maastricht University (NL). Her research interests cover contested histories, memory politics, questions of identity and European integration. Aline is the co-founder and past Co-president of the Memory Studies Association and the Council of European Studies’ Research Network on Transnational Memory and Identity in Europe.